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So How Much Coal Should I Use. Also Hookah Suggestions

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I have a mini pumpkin hookah, currently with Al Fakir tobacco(looking around to buy some more, maybe a different brand)

and I'm wondering, should I just place the coal in the middle or break it in half

Golden Goals btw.

Also what would the best site to order another hookah, more tobbacco, and perhaps 3 kings coals from?

The main reason I'm looking for a new hookah is my hookah is a "female" while I can only use "male" bowls, I'm not too fond of my current bowl and would like a larger one
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check the reviews vendors pages, most everyone likes to order from different people for different reasons.
you can buy a stem adapter to change female to male and visa versa. search it because weve discussed it a few times.
on smaller bowls like that i usually break the coal in half, however if you leave it in 1 piece make sure you move it around the bowl to evenly distribute heat.
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