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Big Problem

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So today I was cleaning my hookah with a cotton ball and a plastic rod like always, and somehow the cotton ball got stuck. So, now it's like 1/4 of the way up the stem and won't come out for anything I've tried. Any ideas at all other than "go buy a new hookah" or something like that?
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Get a wire coat ganger, unwind the hook part. Use that up the stem to cork screw the cotton onto it. Thats one suggestion. Getting a stiffer rod, preferably metal, a gun cleaning rod perhaps, is another suggestion. Have you tried water in the pipe? even though the cotton may expand it will get softer. If it's already wet, wait til it dries out and contracts, that should make it easier to remove.
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I tried with a coat hanger, and I also tried using water. I thought about using a stronger rod, but I'll have to wait until later to try it, since I don't have one where I am right now. I may also try compresses air tomorrow if I can't get it out by tonight. Oh and I also tried a sort of long corkscrew. It shredded part of it, but didn't really do much.
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Bend the coat hanger end into a small hook, push against cotton ball, and twist it, it will tear it apart (could mechanize the process with a drill... that is sure to cause some hemmoraging before it's completed though)
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I'm not sure about lighting cotton on fire within the hookah..... But if you go to the hardware store or auto store there's a device mechanics use to pick up small screws, nuts, etc., that drop deep into engine parts. It's like tweezers on a long flexible cable within a long thin metal tube. You push down on the button on one end and the tweezers come out open. Let go of the button and the tweezers close and pull back into the rod. The device is long enough and thin enough it should be able to reach inside the stem.

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