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What is Your Favorite Ma’assell Brand?  

  1. 1.

    • Nakhla
    • Al Fakher
    • Romman
    • Al Waha
    • Al Amir
    • Serbetli
    • Sara
    • Hookah Hookah
    • Afzal
    • Other

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I haven't tried Sara,  Serbetti,  or Afzal.  And I only
smoke Nakhla when there's nothing else around the house to smoke. 
And I can't stand Al-Waha & Al-Amir.

So,  it really came to a toss-up between Romman &
HookahHookah.  When I first tried Romman,  it was the BEST
ma'assel I'd smoked,  and it was my favorite brand for a LONG
time.  I also loved HookahHookah for a LONG time,  but I soon
grew tired of their flavors.  But when HookahHookah started
releasing their NEW flavors,  my palate shifted toward them. 

My favorite HookahHookah flavors are:  Orange,  Pina
Colada,  Pineapple,  & Melon. And I haven't tried the
Cavendish,  but I heard it was pretty damn good.

My favorite Romman flavors are:  Double Apple & Lemon.

So,  the obvious choice in a poll would have to be
HookahHookah,  because they're always coming-out with new
flavors.  The new H-H flavors that I'm dying to taste are: 
Pumkin Pie,  Grapefruit,  Cinnamon,  Butter Pecan, 
and Butterscotch. I gave them the idea for Butterscotch,  and will
proudly review it when it comes out
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I smoke Al Amir, plain and simple. I have some Nahkla just because it's easy to get around here. Al Amir is oh so juicy and oh so fresh. What I really like about AA is that the flavours smell and smoke exactly what they're supposed to.If that made any sense what-so-ever, then for me! Wow I'm so tired,Take it easy foos, happy smoking!Jon
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so far, I've smoked Nahkla, Al Waha, Saet Safa, Al Ebaz, and Romman.  By far, in my experiences, the best has to Romman.  Very flavourful with large amounts of smoke.
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forgot one.......fumari . i have tried a few brands and i think i like the fumari best. for some reason AF and AW trigger migrains for me  5 hours with a killer headache and puking isnt worth the smoke. romman is great but to damn picky in the heat department. either i am burning it or not getting anything. with time i will get better with my heat.
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I real ly like Fumari - I have only tried Watermelon and White Peach but both were really good - Good ammounts of smoke and it gives a nice little buzz.I got my new hookah from hookahhookah yesterday and I got some hookah hookah MA’ASSELL and I pretty much think that it is the sickest stuff ever - and by sick I mean, It tastes like dung. I tried Pinacolada, Melon, and Jamaccian Rum - two of those flavors already had bad reviews but the PinaColada was supposed to be good but I thought it tasted like crap.I should get getting my Romman today - I have never had Romman before but I hear good things so we'll see. Anyways In short - I like Fumari the best but I may change my mind after I try the romman
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Didn't I post here yesterday? I wish I could remember. That way I would remember saying how much I like Nakhla (EN). I have tried a lot of brands and flavors by them. Some of those brands/flavors are simply awesome, but for general everyday smokeability (by that I mean something that really satisfies me and makes me grin really, really big-like) I just can't get over my EN fetish.
MR Bubble
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  • 4 months later...
So far, my favorite overall brand is still Al Fahker.  I'm still trying to get dialed in with Tangiers, so far its been too strong for my lungs. I get the same reaction as smoking cigarettes, and it ain't pretty. I might be stuck with the candy flavoured wimpy brands. Nakhla also gives me problems.
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  • 3 months later...

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