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Best Smoke Ever.

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So, last night I got the idea to put some of this stuff into some Nakhla mint shisha last night, and I gotta say it was amazing. I used some cinnamon I had left over from when my girlfriend made some hard candy, and I put a small drop of the stuff in the shisha, right below the position where I usually set my coals. Be careful not to put too much oil in there though. This stuff is really really strong. just one or two drops per bowl should do it. It just makes it taste like...some sort of really amazing cinnamon mint gum or something. I might try it again tonight with some Creme de Menthe oil.

Oh and you can usually pick this stuff up for like a dollar at KMart or WalMart or something like that. It was in the pharmacy part of the KMart where I got it but I'm sure you can find it pretty easily by just asking.
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nice. that sounds awesome.

i think i remember some guys talking about using this stuff to flavor their homemade shisha and found out it didn't work well for the main flavoring ingredient. but as an additive to prepackaged shisha... hmmm
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Yeah the first time I tried it I used like...a 1/2 teaspoon of the stuff. Bad, bad idea. It tasted wonderful but the cinnamon was so strong I couldn't smoke it without coughing. I figured out like 2 drops per bowl works best. Especially if you put one drop below each coal like I said. That way it just flavors the mint into a cinnamon mint without making it horrible.
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