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What Would You Get?

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Well I sold some PC parts on another forum and have a modest $65 in my PayPal account. If you were to get a hookah which would you get that gives you the best bang for buck factor. I have a 12" mini pear hookah right now, but I would like something bigger with a sturdy base and can support more than one hose.

Thanks for the suggestions. Just post a link with your comments please.

EDIT: I was looking at hookahkings.com and hookahcompany.com they seem to have the best prices on hookahs. Although at hookahcompany I am staying far away from the chinese made hookahs as I've heard they are cheaply made. Edited by gr!m
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Magdy Zidans have had some pretty good reviews, and the few I've been able to look at in person were air tight and sturdy. For $65 or less they're probably a good buy, although I've never owned one myself. Edited by Ralleac
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