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This is a forum based solely on Hookahs. Hence the name.
Yet there is so much drama... hookah drama (?). Hookah Drama? I mean, seriously, it's pretty out of hand.
I'm not gonna sit here with this thread and run my mouth about drama, I have been the cause of alot in the past.
Yet, still, even after everything was fixed; mush got his Admin, EvansLight got back his Mod, there is still crap going down.

No, i am not talking about when Mush wanted to quit and all the events in the past week. That is irrelevant in this regard.

This was all started with Bad coals. I know... pretty stupid. I did post about Bad Coals, and how they need to stop eing sold. I did not, however, name any names of any vendors , and am NOT blaming Exotic Imports for the coals or the vendors themselves.

Yet still, this is nto the point.

I got a call and an email yesterday from two different vendors. Someone on this forum told one of the vendors that I was in HF Chat talking shit about them. Just for the record, i have never ONCE entered HF Chat. Also, this person told this vendor that ASUSEAN1 and I were sending PM's and posting about how this particular vendor is an asshole, a scam-artist, and an all-around shady bastard.

I did not do this once, nor did ASUSEAN1 (i don't exactly know why he was mentioned).

I had to explain this to two vendors, who are now getting heat from you, as customers, for this one person's discontent.

This is an online Forum. This is a place where hookah smokers can sit and talk about Hookahs (and have friendly debates of course). This isn't High School.
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Good Point Zen, this isnt high school BUT things get taken out of context ALOT on the internet since theres no sure fire way to inflect tone and emotion into the text you are writing. Besides, a little drama never hurt anyone. You are entitled to YOUR opinions Zen, and if the vendors are calling asking you to clarify because of heresay, maybe you should steer clear of those businessmen and find a new vendor to deal with thats a bit more professional. Thats just my opinion, but I would of hung up on them personally.

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I agree with the Huskyvibe on this one. Zen, take a few deep breaths, setup your favorite hookah, kick your feet up, and enjoy your shisha. Edited by MrMoodz
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Its just not good business to harass your customers. I cannot believe that someone would have to explain themselves to a vendor whom makes money off them. I REALLY need to open Piratehookahs back up, this is ridiculous. Spend your money elsewhere dude, and for gods sakes stand by your opinions and actions.

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This whole thing was not handled well by any of the vendors, and Gabes little all caps blow up didnt help things either. And now hearing of some of them going through the trouble of calling you because you talked shit about them? Customers have the right to have there opinions, and they can talk shit about you if they feel it. Im not saying you did, hell as far as i know i have never even seen you in the chat as you said.

I wouldn't mind knowing who this was, save me the trouble of having to ever try shopping with them, ill tell ya that.
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Here is the story~ I am the forum member in question, and the vendor is not to be spoken of. PM us or figure it out.

Here is the "shit talking".

QUOTE (e-mail)
My words: "a couple of people in the forum mentioned that a lot of vendors who had damaged coals had theirs replaced, and didn't have to replace them, so they dumped their bad ones onto customers for cheap. How do you respond to this?"

He asked me who. I said that I believed it was ASUSEAN, ZenSilk, and someone else. I can sift through posts and get you the exact information, if you like.

The post by Asu is the 5th of the thread in question, and I remembered ZenSilk bringing this up originally in one of the many exotica threads.

Was that "talking shit"?

In any happenstance, I'm going to go ahead and agree with EL, Snoopy, Moodz and Husky, it isn't the place of a vendor to harass his or her customers about bad feedback.
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I am in no way mad, upset, confused, sad... anything. I just think that it got a little over-board. I mean... they were coals for God's sake. I did post abotu the coals recently, but i wasn't angry. i just wanted to let everyoen know that the bad batches were still out there.

I still won't name vendors, but FYI both are welcome on this forum.

Gabe will be out with his new Exoticas, hopefully...
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i am lost. i didnt really say anything about anyone nor did I write any PMs. (BTW the mods can read your PM's so they can confirm this).

now I did ask a few people to be civil in the coal convo b/c they could have handled the situation completely different. also, vendors are starting to push their products on people who have threads that say "I am buying a new hookah, what should I buy."..well as a vendor you cannot do that here. if u have a special deal on something put it in the vendor section. Don;t say that I can get it to you for this price shipped. It's called spamming the forum..hookah related or not, it is the same thing Edited by ASUSEAN1
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QUOTE (ZenSilk @ Jan 15 2008, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I still won't name vendors, but FYI both are welcome on this forum.

Wait... so there were two vendors on these forums that have your phone number, and that both called and e-mailed you asking why you and ASUSEAN1 were "talking shit" about them in the chat room... less than 24 hours after I mentioned to a certain unwelcome vendor that you and ASUSEAN both had remarked that many vendors who received free new coals didn't have to send them back?

I think you all know how much weight this word carries when I use it...

That is amazing.

Edited for pink. Edited by gaia.plateau
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I will be the first to say I have mad my opinions known about a certain unnamed vendor and how I feel he is shaddy. No it was not PYH if that narrows it down a bit. I do ( I think ) know I would not have let others comments out there. And i sure as Hell would not have named names. They are their PMS dam it. I don`t think Mods should be able to read or at least should not read pms. They were originally called Private messages, and thats what they should be.

I am guilty of commenting on a price on a hookah shipped. Yup that was me. I felt since everyone was hey this place has this deal that place has that deal I was okay to Post I can give the guy an extra great deal since he was from this forum. I was called out on it with a True #1 warning by Mush. I called him and explained my side he exexplained his side I replied with my same point and he explained what happened before when this was going on and sure enough I was wrong and admit it. lol I just flat screwed up. I have since learned from the mistake and have moved on. i hated getting an official warning but hey mmistakes happen and will probably be made by me.

I forwarded the dealers that were sent to me by several people over to Gabe to get the dealers to clean this mess up. If a dealer is pushing bad products then they should not be carrying the products and i told him that. Its his reputation first and foremost on the line.

Lets say I started pushing bad coals I amy survive from it but if he continues to get bad coals sent out it will ruin his reputation and he is the one in the end that loses. Thats why I decided to end it all with some free samples and see if we can prove its not a bad product just a bad batch.
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