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You Guys Think I Should Hit This?

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Eek for the green hoses but that's a good deal! If he says 90 or best offer, maybe you can get it for 75. I don't recognize the glass (if it's Bohemian, it comes from the Czech Republic where I live, and they make the best glass).
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Ha ha Craigs list is the shit man. I did not know they had Hookahs too. I would say snap it up for that price. Looks pretty sweet. I have not seen a MYA vase like that yet, but I really do not look at to many MYA's. I prefer the ol skool looks.
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I dont think it is a staff. The stem doesnt look like a staff from the picture. I see that same piece on a few websites for around 140 with the case.So 90 isnt bad and plus you can probably offer less since it is "or best offer".

It is a pretty piece.
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