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Anyone in Florida?


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Hey, Im from florida.  I go to school at FSU in tallahassee and
spend vacations in my hometown of Miami.  In tallahassee the only
bar i know of is shisha cafe.  It is a small intimate place with
an authentic middle eastern look to it.  It is very much an oasis
inside of the plaza it is in.  They often have jazz or gypsy bands
performing there, or if not they play middle eastern music on CD. 
Prices are decent at $10 for a bowl of the al amir or al waha flavor of
your choice.  With up to 4 people per hookah, it is fairly
inexpensive to smoke several bowls with your friends.  They also
have a great selection of flavored teas, arabic coffees, and pastries
to accompany your smoke.  What I dislike about the bar is the
overpriced products they sell.  I see hookahs selling there for
$200 that sell online for $80.  And 250g tubs of Al Amir are
$16..a bit pricey.
In Miami I haven't gone to a hookah bar in a long time since several of
my friends have hookahs down there we tend to smoke in our
houses.  I do know the bars are much more pricey there, as they
try to rape the upscale tourist heavy nightlife scene for all its
worth.  However, when down in Miami there are plenty of tobacco
shops that have supplies for very modest prices that are comparable to
online sites.
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