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Party Smoking, The Right Number Of People

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Broke in the Paragon this weekend, playeed Scatagories with 9 other people. Tried AF esk. apple and Romman good times, there pretty good. What would you guys say the limit is for people on a one hosed hookah? 10 is a bit much I think and 15+ is crazy (done it , not fun). Check out theses pics too:
Got the smoke heart, the Mya Paragon w/ 20 foot hose, and the smoke ball


-QM Edited by QuiltedMaple
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Okay heres where being an only child shows. 2 hoses hookas are fine for me with up to 20 people. Yea 20. I get my hose and the other 19 can line up and puff puff pass. lol My hose is my hose. At the counter I will pass with customers I am way cool with that but if I am smoing in a group. You will be prying my hose from my dead cold left hand. Thats right the Butt wiping hand. The right one would still have a better grip. ,lol
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Honestly I would say that it depends on the people and the mindset. I remember smoking a 1hose with 3 other people and getting upset if someone hogged it. But that was one of my first times smoking...

Since then, I've come to realize that hookah is a social, relaxing activity. When it comes to me, I puff it. If you're in the mindset that it's supposed to be relaxing, you can pass a 1hose comfortably between 8 people and enjoy it...
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i have a mya vortex, that i occationally add an extra hose to. I normally dont like to smoke with more that 4-5 people because it just takes to long to go around and nobody likes the whole Puff Puff Pass. that being said though, i have had 20 people once all smoeking together but i got out my old school rotator as well. Cards/Hookah/Movie, it was great
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