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A Favor To Ask Of Those With Ice Bowls...

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If you mean an ice bucket. Which is what it sounds like you are asking about. I have one and I find the best way to use it is with ice in the base and the bucket. The bucket with ice and the base with no ice if you can imagine is less for a lack of a better word cold.
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I think hookah hippie missed the point... I take it this thread is in relation to the tangiers thread that suggested room temperature water to be superior to cold water...

I'll give it a try tonight on my MZ and see how it works. I usually put ice in the bottom, but lastnight I didn't (used room temperature water) and I found little difference to the flavor, but slightly harsher and less fluffy smoke. This was smoking Al Fakher Watermelon & Afzal Mintos in one bowl, and Starbuzz Strawberry Daiquiri in another after it....

I'll also try lukewarm water as someone suggested...
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