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Rolland Finger Coals Review (open Discussion)

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Rolland Finger Coals

Container: These coals come in a bright orange bag with Rolland Finger Coals on the front of them.

Where to find them: So far, the only company that I know of that sells these coals has been Hookah Company.

What they look like: They come in about 6 inch long logs and are roughly 3/4 of an inch wide. These are round coals, unlike the Exotica Square Coals.

Lighting method: I use a coil stove, they take about 4 minutes to get going fully. These coals smoke a little bit, similar to Three Kings. Light in an open area if you have a sensitive nose.

Smell: Also similar to Three Kings. They smell a little bit when they light, but after that, these coals do not smell at all. 9.5/10

Taste: These coals impart no taste on the shisha once they are fully lit. All I could taste was goodness. 10/10

Ash: Rolland Fingers ash very well. The ash that comes off, the best way to describe it is fluffy. It doesnt ash finely at all and none gets into the shisha. Although you might want to ash them every 15-20 minutes to keep them from creating a mess. 9.5/10

Heat: These coals produce very warm heat, you may want to use 1 coal if you have a shallow bowl, otherwise use two. They heat the shisha very well without burning it. 10/10

Time: They last roughly 1 hour, maybe more. Very good length of time for coals. 10/10

Overall: I'm very impressed with these coals. Rolland did very well with them. They are very inexpensive ($6.95) compared to good quicklights and if you have the proper lighting method and the patience, these coals will not let you down. Once again, very little smell, no taste, very good ashing, warm heat, and awesome length of time, I'm giving these coals a 9.8/10 score. Very well done!
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I will definitely have to try these! I had a free pack of Rolland QLs that came with my hookah and I was out of other coal so I said, "Well what the hey.." Boy was that a bad idea lol. I am glad to hear they release a quality natural finger. I have yet to try exoticas and these Lemonwoods take damn near 10 minutes to light.
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Well I have done enough rolland bashing over the years... turns out my fav coals [the Japenese easy lite with the silver coatings] are also made by rolland.

Seems rolland are a good natural style producer - just not very good as the ql's... But QL's suck anyways.

Nice find. But i'd be interested in the square coals. Round coals... madness!

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