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Trying New Coals

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Hey guys, this is my first post and while I searched the forum for the answer to my question, I couldn't find a specific one. I just bought a box of all-natural wooden coals and have stumbled on finding the correct way to light them. I was under the impression that any constant heat source would work, so I tried an electric stove with the coals on a frying pan. Then I swtiched to a gas stove and applied to coals to flame directly. This seemed to work better as they started to turn grey. Now, my question is how long should I wait at this point? Until the coals are completely grey and burnt or before that? I placed them on the hookah bowl when it was pretty much mostly grey but the flavor of the tabacco was kind of obscured and at times the smoke was a little harsh.

Any tips would be much appreciated and again, I apologize if the answer to this question is already out there on the forum.

-- Dantrig
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All sides should be red hot and ashed over before you put them on the bowl. Invest in a 10 dollar coil stove from Walgreens, you will thank yourself for the lack of propane/butane taste. I hated that when I was using a torch. Now I've seen the best possible sessions lately.
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