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Best Way To Clean A Bowl

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My MYA bowl is getting burnt and black, sometimes i can even taste some ashy flavor from it.

I've tried water, vinegar, boiling it, more vinegar and everything, i know that i cant take the black marks from it but the ashy flavor is being annoying

Any extreme tip to get a rid of any taste/odor from a bowl that is being used a lot?
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Have you tried baking soda, lemon juice, or pure grain alcohol?
I use Everclear 151proof after every session. I still usually have a leftover taste in it a little bit, but after I left it for 24 hours, it took all tastes that were sucked into the clay, out.
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ive been able to get the black marks off all my bowls. use one of those sponges with the green scrubber side and the yellow sponge side. scrub it with the green side and marks disappear. also I soak my bowls once a month in hot water and lemon juice for a few hours. then just let them air dry over night.
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With all the money people spend trying to clean a ~$8.00 bowl you may as well just buy a new one. If nothing is working to get the ashy taste from it buying a new one may be your best bet.
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