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The New/improved Tangiers

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so, after smoking his samples and getting 18 new flavors, ive noticed the cut of tangiers is smaller now (or im used to it, but i doubt that)

its also smoking better, i got it to smoke decent (ie little harshness) with 10 mins of acclimating. when i tried the samples at rays house we smoked it with no acclimation and it wasnt that bad.

anyone else notice this?
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yup he's right I noticed the the cut seemed smaller. I ran out of tangiers a few days before canon came down so I didn't have the older flavors to compare it to.

We acclimated one for 10 mins and the other no acclimation at all and it smoked like a charm.

Static starlight was good but seemed a bit too "floral" flavored for me.
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yea ya know i noticed that when i got my order in about a week ago. i got some orange soda and opened it up and was like...wtf is this? smaller tangy cuts? but i like it better, its much easier to pack neatly and seems to acclimate faster. smokes better than normal.
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no its for all flavors. his cut is thinner tehn before. when i got the pink grapefruit from snoopy i noticed that. then when i got the samples i noticed it too. now that i bought 18 flavors the first flavor has the thinner cut. its like when nammor 2.0 came out. it wasnt announced it was done. same thing with the new exoticas that are coming out.
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We're doing different stuff to groom the tobacco, thats a fact. The cut shouldn't be too much smaller than it used to be, but if it is and it offends; then I apologize. If its a welcome change, I will tell the people down the line and then I thank you for your support. We're always doing different things to try to make the tobacco better. Sometimes, we don't notice the changes as much as you do, because we see the whole stream of tobacco where you guys see snapshots of bag to bag. If you see what I'm saying.

Humbly and obediently yours,

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