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Why Doens't Anyone Seem To Like...

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I've noticed that everyone who isn't using a phunnel or some other specialty bowl sticks to egyptian bowls and clay bowls. The bowls I have gotten with my hookahs have both been "modern" bowls like the one shown. I've never hasd any kind of problem with them so I just wanted to know why everyone seems to prefer the other types.

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i have one that i use when im not using my phunnel bowl and i don't think it's bad it gets the job done Edited by TheOneNonlyTK
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Modern bowls suck, because the area that sits on the stem isn't deep enough, or is too wide to sit properly. Who wants to wrap a piece of paper towel around the grommet each session just so it sits and seals correctly. My small super chief has a wide deep area the fits the grommet perfectly. Also as mention before ceramic heats up bad and can burn shisha. My Egyptian clay bowl has never done that.
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I'm a fan of my mod bowl. Although I normally use my phunnel, if I want a quick session or I'm testing a flavor I'll fake a phunnel in the mod and smoke away. No problems with heat management and I usually let the bowl cool off for a few min before grabbing it.
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hahah hell i got one with my new hookah which is a syrian and it fits perfect.....ive smoke out of it about 3-4 times and i think its fine works great i still get huge hits and it seems like it uses most of the shisha i pack in it....i also have my mya bowl that came with my QT which fits on my new hookah but it sits up toward the top of the stem but still fits...i like it to....works well......idk i think they both work nice..no problems
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I just recently got a mod bowl and I love it so far. Beats the hell out of the Mya bowl that came with my Mya Phalcor. I like that I can pack more shisha into the bowl and have a longer session. I might try a phunnel bowl later on but for now, I got no problems with my mod bowl.
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Mod bowls rule. Its all we use here. I have tried them all well all I can find and sure enough they rock. I guess part of the reason is becasue we have 12 around here preloaded so I pop off a bowl and drop a bowl on so I never have to worry about changing a hot bowl.

I like the mod bowl because you can have the perfect 1 bowl 1 coal.

The world has spoken. lol
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Hmmm. I use a wide and deep bowl which I adore wub.gif Nahkla seems to really love this bowl too. Two hours with six jap -or- exotica 1/4's is perfect. [First Pic - Darker Bowl]

For other tobacco's I use a deep bowl with a slight lip over the top of the bowl [It's supposed to help reduce burning] Again this bowl goes two hours no problem. 2 exotica 1/4's or three jap coals at a time [Second Pic - Lighter Bowl] Edited by Johnny_D
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for the past year or so i'd been using my mya bowl non stop...it broke the other day so i had to bust out my mod bowl...i just really don't like how shallow and wide it is...i need to use more coal to get it going, but it gets harsh with that much coal on it, so i have to take some off and waste the coal...i'd rather just my mya bowl.

bah, i need a new one.
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aaa, so thats my bowl lol
I've had a mod bowl since the beginning of time lol
but really, as long as I've owned my hookah, thats what I've had, came with it.
I don't like it just because it wobbles/doesn't fit right. I get a great smoke out of it, but too many burnt carpets. As soon as I have the money, I'm upgrading.
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