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Guitar Rising


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I've always been of the mindset that the Guitar Hero games were about the lowest a person can descend into geekiness. I mean, these are games that are basically twister played on a small plastic ukulele, that are designed to make the player feel cool and replace jumping up and down on the bed jerking off the end of a tennis racket, fantasizing about being a rock and roll star.

It's also been argued that these games are a danger for the next generation of the music industry; of music in general. It's conceivable that some or even many of the kids who have some talent and could "make it" will just play Guitar Hero / Rock Band and have their roaring fans and rockstar fantasy in convenient and easily accessible portions, instead of taking the time and work to learn a real instrument.

That being said.

Guitar Rising looks bloody sweet; no more plastic ukuleles, you play it on a real guitar. Any guitar. Any guitar at all. Any old guitar you can think of.


I played the geetar from around age 12 until I was about 18 or so, but I just got bored of sitting there, practicing various advanced skills over and over. I still play my acoustic at the lake, etc., but I can only play like 6 songs now and I'm not very good at any of them. I might actually pick up my old fender again for this game. Edited by gaia.plateau
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ok ok ok hold the mustard.

guitar hero was made for people who cant play guitar yet still wanna have a little fun with their own personal rocker fantasies. granted, i play guitar well and play guitar hero, i understand they'er certainly not similar and i would much rather play my real guitar over guitar hero. guitar hero does not pull people away from being creative with an instrument, it's a party game much like wii sports or (*shudder*) ddr.

that being said, guitar rising look like a wonderful waste of money that could've gone toward making a good game. apparently you already need ample skill to play this game, so i ask myself, "if i can already play guitar, why would i do it standing in front of my pc?" i'd much rather get tabs from the internet for free (as opposed to whatever ungodly amount of money this thing will cost at launch) and go practice on my back porch, you know, in the sunlight and stuff.

so sorry if i dont share your enthusiasm about this game or your worries that guitar hero will lead to potential virtuosos wasting time and talent on guitar hero (seriously now, does that sound logical in any remote way?)

so yeah, put that in your phunnel and smoke it wink.gif
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QUOTE (Shakes @ Mar 5 2008, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ok ok ok hold the mustard.

guitar hero was made for people who cant play guitar yet still wanna have a little fun with their own personal rocker fantasies. granted, i play guitar well and play guitar hero, i understand they'er certainly not similar and i would much rather play my real guitar over guitar hero. guitar hero does not pull people away from being creative with an instrument, it's a party game much like wii sports or (*shudder*) ddr.

I shall hold no mustard tongue.gif

Okay, so you play guitar and guitar hero: this doesn't mean that everyone who plays Guitar Hero also plays the guitar; in my experience, no one I know that plays guitar hero plays the guitar, and I can think of only two people who play the guitar, that also enjoy guitar hero.

QUOTE (Shakes @ Mar 5 2008, 05:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
that being said, guitar rising look like a wonderful waste of money that could've gone toward making a good game. apparently you already need ample skill to play this game, so i ask myself, "if i can already play guitar, why would i do it standing in front of my pc?" i'd much rather get tabs from the internet for free (as opposed to whatever ungodly amount of money this thing will cost at launch) and go practice on my back porch, you know, in the sunlight and stuff.

Did you watch the video? On beginner at a low speed, you have to hit a single string like, once every 10 seconds. The point is that instead of sitting on a stool reading tablature off of a page and alternately pressing play and pause on your cd/mp3 player, learning and improving skills, you can sit in front of your pc reading brightly coloured tablature off a screen, listening to a track, that keeps you on task and target while providing a brightly coloured diversion to provide added stimulae for the brain.

I imagine the game will cost ~$30, and if you can't afford that just download it via bit torrent for free.
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back in the day I played a lot of DDR, Beat Mania (Turn table simulation)m guitar freaks, which was basically the first guitar hero ever, and percussion freaks. But that was when i used to go to arcades a lot, as a kid, I now play all of those instruments, and I dont know how to dance.

DDr kept me in shape though, so i dont have any problems with that game. I dont have problems with any game at all really. I do have a problem with people who base there lives playing games. Its not the games fault, its the kid who spends 9 hours in a row playing it.

This new game looks amazing. Edited by KillZedKill
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I'd much prefer jamming with a band than playing either of these games.

Think that both of them are probably stupid without allowing for improvisation.

One question about this game, what the fuck can it do if you play on a weird tuning? I'm assuming that it estimates tones coming from the output.

Just curious.
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These music rhythmn games, that are also part simulation, in my experience, promotes people to learn musical instruments.

I have two friends who played guitar hero then ~year later they picked up guitar.
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While I can appreciate this new game that actualy teaches people to play an instrument, you look over one very key aspect of the games you mention. They're Games! And like any game there are people who take it to far, but for the average person they just play these games as a fun distraction. And for the record, about five of my friends are either in bands or preform solo acts localy and we all still enjoy getting together with a few beers and playing Rock Band. But hey, I think its cool that ther is a real game that does teach the skills, I might even pick up and se if I can play around with my mom's guitar. But really, knocking Guitar Hero/Rock Band for not being real instments is like knocking Call of Duty for not being real war.

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QUOTE (Elky @ Mar 9 2008, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
knocking Guitar Hero/Rock Band for not being real instments is like knocking Call of Duty for not being real war.

I do that too, frequently. Bunch of pussies sitting around on their Xboxes, should be out conquering like men.


http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/v...Guitar-Hero-III Edited by gaia.plateau
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QUOTE (gaia.plateau @ Mar 10 2008, 03:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I do that too, frequently. Bunch of pussies sitting around on their Xboxes, should be out conquering like men.

Im gonna have to sig that Gia .. Pretty damn funny!
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  • 3 weeks later...
actually these games have had the opposite effect on music. they have found that games such as guitar hero are actually getting kids back into music, instead of driving them to the fantasy rock star analogy.
as for me i'm horrible at the game. i don't play guitar, used to play a saxaphone but that was years ago.
i see this as a party game, get a group of friends, break out a hookah and the liqueor and have a good time.
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I just got (downloaded) DJ Max Portable 2 for my PSP and it's amazing. Korean game so lots of J/K-Pop/Rock but it's so fun to play.
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