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Drunk Posting


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Yoooooo Mario party and hooooooookahhhhhhh



 Had a crazy night I bought them baby bella (mini portobella) mushrooms forget them in the drunk then went drinking w some friends earlier lol I shit you not i saw a midget in a red shirt with blue jeans overalls so i was wasted after my 13th beer and just remembered i had mushrooms. So i went to my car picked up the mushrooms opened em gave the midget one and said "Grow Mario Grow" Then i was asked to leave the bar :-( Now i have to rememebr to pick up my car from that area tomorrow still was a fun night. I dont usually post drunk but when i do its when I drank Dos Equis...  

Edited by A Sharrp SYBIAN
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  BTW never throw a mushroom at a little person them little munchkin's are vicious and they usually travel in packs! I learned that lesson the hard way :-( well passing out now... Hope this posting didnt offend any members who happen to be well little but seriously damn nature you scary by that i mean the little people! 

Edited by A Sharrp SYBIAN
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  • 2 months later...

James E Pepper 1776 rye whiskey manhattens have me feeling right tonight! Now for some friends, hookah and cards against humainty gonna be a good night!


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  • 1 year later...

Dude, it's saint nicholas day (which isn't a thing in the US I reckon), essentially old pagan holiday with superimposed christian values that is known as christmas in most of the world. We get 2 of those here, the old pagan date (today), and the classic Christmas of everyone else. Ofc. some people celebrate both but only do gifts on one or the other. So I got gifts at my GFs house with her family, then went back home to get wasted cause it's also my bros birthday! WOOOO!

Yall motherfuckers need to post more ;)

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  • 10 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Testing this here...didn't want to lose the information since I can't seem to make a topic and didn't want to just let this go. Guess you could say this is a "drunken ramble" when it really isn't but hey...this site is broken so f*ck it.

I know this place is dead but thought if some of the old members came around here looking for new content, it would be cool to see what you guys would say. I'll try to link the articles I've come across but for some reason, they aren't in my history any more.

So I always had a suspicion that tobacco smoke would effect the microbes in our gut. Turns out, I was on the right path, just not much research done on what strains it kills. It shows that if you have any sort of irritable bowel, crohns, or colitis, you should avoid tobacco smoke for it makes it worse.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26981632 (this one actually says smoking is beneficial to ulcerative colitis...surprisingly, but horrible for those with IBS and Crohns)

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24636140 ( In addition, smoking is associated with a distinct alteration in the intestinal microbiota both in patients with active Crohn's disease and healthy subjects. ) I added the emphasis.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3432200/ (this one talks about epigenetics and methylation. If you aren't up on the newest trends in research, epigenetics is how our genes are expressed, namely, you can change your genetic expression...either for the good...or the bad. The biggest movement right now is learning about MTHFR and all these genetic variants that come along with it and you can get yourself tested at 23andme.com but would be good to give that data to a practitioner who can put that raw data into a program which uses algorithms to tell you what is going on based on your genetics and what you can do to positively effect them. MTHFR and the variants refers to ones ability to methylate, or in other terms, detox. While I know I'm in the minority about vaccines and not giving them, if you *are* vaccinating your children or yourself, you really need to get tested for MTHFR. There is a high correlation between this genetic mutation and autism, brain damage, or other damage in the body after vaccination. Don't play russian roulette with you and your family, get tested so you know if your little one's bodies have the ability to remove the toxins included in vaccines. Anyways, this is talking about how it can disrupt the genes involved in methylation, switching those bad methylating genes *on*, leading to disaster in the body, not just in terms of the smoke being detoxed out of the body, but *all* things bad that you eat or are exposed to in your environment (Flint, MI anyone?). This is probably one of the more scary studies I've seen in regards to tobacco smoke, imo. I know there have been a few women in here in the past, or the guy's wives who have continued to smoke hookah while pregnant, this is also talking about how you can switch those poor methylation genes on for your child in utero.)


That's about it for now. As I find more, I'll post if people are actually interested in this topic and come back and discuss it. Otherwise, this is just for archival purposes for those looking into health concerns in regards to hookah.

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