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Problem With Mya Gyro Hookah

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My Mya Gyro will not screw together properly anymore... The top part of the stem which screws into the piece that goes into the base does not screw together anymore. It used to be a very tight fit, now the thread on the screw does not fit into the bolt part of it snugly and this really makes the hookah useless as far as balance goes. Does anybody know what the hell is going on? I figured maybe the threading on the stem got stripped a little bit, but it doesn't seem like it. I would take pictures but my camera broke...

Any Mya Experts have any decent solutions for me?
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It used to work totally fine, just one day I tried to set it up and it would not screw together properly at all.
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Around the screw part of the stem there's usually a rubber grommet (looks like a small rubber band that sits at the base of the thread).. chances are that slid off and thats why you're not getting the tight fit you used to.

As for replacing it, I dont know... maybe use a rubber band, or a little electric tape..?
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Ahh cool, I'll give that a try for sure. But like I say I never took it apart fully before so it should be hooked up properly.
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