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Advice Needed - What Km To Buy And From Where?

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wassup all
This is my first post here, although I've been coming on these forums for a while to get opinions on baccy/pipes. Thanks for all your knowledge guys, its good to get seemingly-knowledgeable ppl's opions on this stuff

Basically, I'm looking to buy a new shisha. I want a Khalil Mamoun because every time I've smoked one I've been impressed, and because everyone on these forums seem quite keen on them.

However I live in the UK and they're pretty hard to get hold of over here, so I was planning on ordering in from one of the US websites - the one I've been looking at is Hookahcompany.com

basically, I had 3 questions:

1) What KM would people recommend? I like the look of the KM trimetal from Hookahcompany, is this the best KM? any other particularly good ones?

2) Besides Hookahcompany does anyone know of any good sites which sell the best KMs for a reasonable price? Is Hookahcompany the best?

3) Is there anyone on here from the UK? If so - anyone got experience of
(a) ordering a pipe from one of these US websites - is it ok? does it arrive undamaged? and do you get charged customs tax or anything like that;
or [b] buying a good, genuine KM from the UK? either online, or from shops - I live in london and have been down to edgware rd, but al-mustafa is ridiculously expensive and other places have crap pipes

anyway if anyone could help me out I'd really appreciate it!
nice one ppl
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