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Questions: Km Trimetal

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Hey guys,

I just finished my first session with my new trimetal, and I've got a couple questions for ya'll. Right, so the first one is about the fit of the hose. Mine doesn't seem to fit into the heart very well - it seems the hose (KM hose) is too big. Is there a quick fix for this? Also, when I was trying out the purge, most of my smoke would come out of the bowl instead. Does anyone have an idea of what might be going on? Thanks
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For the hose, I have no idea. Try wrapping it in electrical tape. And for the purge, check if the ball bearing in it is stuck. That happens to my friend's multihose all the time. If it is tap it on the table upside down a few times till it rattles around freely.
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KM hoses are huge. I recommend finding a better grommet that works for the hose port. About the smoke coming out of the bowl, that means there's too much heat on top. A little less coal will solve the problem.
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