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And the bastardization has began

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src="[url="http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccoshop/images/photos/d95-406-L.jpg"] [url="http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccoshop/images/photos/d9"]http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccosho...mages/photos/d9[/url][/url] 5-406-L.jpg" border="5"><br><br>or<br><br>
<img src=" [url="http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccoshop/images/photos/d9"]http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccosho...mages/photos/d9[/url] 6-405-L.jpg" border="5"><img <br><br> and then there is always. . .<br><br><img src=" [url="http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccoshop/images/photos/d9"]http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccosho...mages/photos/d9[/url] 7-404-L.jpg://http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tob.../a> 7-404-L.jpg" border="5"><img
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Who can forget . . .
<img src="[url="http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccoshop/images/photos/d95-406-L.jpg"][color="#800080"] [url=http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccoshop/images/photos/D9]http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccosho...mages/photos/D9[/url] 5-406-L.jpg" border="5"><br><br>or<br><br>
<img src=" [url="http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccoshop/images/photos/D9"]http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccosho...mages/photos/D9[/url] 6-405-L.jpg" border="5"><img <br><br> and then there is always. . .<br><br><img src=" [url="http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccoshop/images/photos/D9"]http://www.tobaccoimportusa.com/tobaccosho...mages/photos/D9[/url] 7-404-L.jpg[/color]" border="5"><img
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[quote name='Donkeema']we all wish for a edit feture  but our complains just go through one ear and out the other. would lfe be alot easier with a edit button? [/quote]

I'm fairly certain that even though Adrock doesn't post as frequently
as everyone else, he has heard our wishes for an edit button...And even
though I don't know what it takes to run a forum, I'm also fairly
certain its not as easily said than done to add an edit button, or else
he would have done it long ago...
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i dont know about you guys, but I already think stargates are pushing
it. I like to revive the middle eastern culture in a hookah, but a camo
hookah. now that is as tastless as tastless gets. that hookah should be
incinerated. how ever you spell that.
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Lets just say they are aimed at a different crowd than the traditional hookah smoker. But does it really matter in the long run? A hookah is really just a simple device for smoking tobacco. We put the soul (if you will) into our machines and our smoking sessions. If others want to enjoy the experience out of a hookah shaped like an M-16, so be it. Its the social interaction that goes with hookah smoking that I'm in it for.
Having said that....
Those are some pretty hideous hookahs.
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[quote name='mushrat']good for hunting too....[/quote]
Picture this:  Mushrat crouched in the bushed aiming up on a big buck...it was scared off!  But what happened?  That's right, Mushrat couldn't help but get one puff in before pulling the trigger!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I use that one alot at PN....
Heres some smiling ones.
Right click and choose properties for the source on these.
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