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People That Should Be Systematically Exterminated


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Job stoppers are tacky. I have every right as a person to dislike them as you have, to defend them.

I dont' blame a job for "discriminating" against people with tattoo's. If you can see them, then it's not very professional. You should have thought about the CONCEQUENCES before you got that thing in a visble spot on your body that you CAN NOT cover up.

PS- I have piercings and tattoo's. I love them. But i also believe these things are for ME.... not for society......
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People from other countries who dislike our patriots. Also people from other countries who like to bash our country and run their mouth about it, but sit on their asses and do nothing for either side..

Edited by kornkitten42
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QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 11 2008, 11:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People from other countries who dislike our patriots.

there is nothing wrong with loving your country. however, it should never come to the point where you write off all criticism as "america bashing". don`t get me wrong, i have nothing against americans in general. but some people are "hyperpatriots" as gaia puts it, and think that their country is the best in the world even though it has many shortcomings (just like any other country in the world, including mine).
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QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 11 2008, 05:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Job stoppers are tacky. I have every right as a person to dislike them as you have, to defend them.

I dont' blame a job for "discriminating" against people with tattoo's. If you can see them, then it's not very professional. You should have thought about the CONCEQUENCES before you got that thing in a visble spot on your body that you CAN NOT cover up.

I agree completely. I have 81 tattoos. I am also a professor at a major University in Utah. I wear long sleeves everyday and few people I work with or teach even know I have them. (I have full sleeves.)

QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 11 2008, 05:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
PS- I have piercings and tattoo's. I love them. But i also believe these things are for ME.... not for society......

I wear long sleeves whenever I am at work... No matter how hot it is. I've never been told I have to, but unfortunately a lot of people still look down on tattoos. It usually surprises people that I meet when I tell them what I do for a living, they think that people with as many tattoos as I have can't be successful in the workforce. I agree they are for me, I only value the opinion of my immediate family because they have to see them. (In fact I got a tattoo covered up because it embaressed my 10 year old daughter.) MAybe one day people will be hired because of their skills and not how they look..

Just my opinion..
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QUOTE (shisha fan @ Apr 11 2008, 04:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
think that their country is the best in the world even though it has many shortcomings (just like any other country in the world, including mine).

Even with the shortcomings I feel we as a country have I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. Am I foolish enough to think that everything we do is the right decision? no. Can we improve? yes we all can. But there's nothing wrong with having pride in where you live. If you don't like the country you live in move to one you like. It's that simple.. I also think that what is "right" for me is not necessarily right for someone else..

I think patriotism falls into one of those categories that are difficult to discuss (Along with Religion and politics)

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I don't think the USA is without it's problems or without much needed improvements. No place is perfect. I am glad I was born in the USA and not syria though. I am a patriot and I love my country. There is nothing wrong with that. There is also not a problem with wanting to defend our country either by joining the military.

Yes I think our boys should come home, but I don't think joining the military, having pride in our country and wanting to fight to defend our rights is a bad thing by any means.

I blame the steady decline* of this country on LBJ and the presidents that followed him. Edited by kornkitten42
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**** People who automatically assume that if someone has a difference of opinion on a forum, that's it's automatically going to start a flame fest, or a thread war. (J/K!!!!)

But seriously, He wrote right after my post "people that can't read", and I wanted to clarify and make sure he understood that I wasn't arguing with hyperpatriotism, because america has fault and imperfections.. I was arguing the fact that being a patriot does not make you a tool and there is nothing wrong with being a patriot. That those that like bash the US, usually sit on their ass and do nothing for either side. (The US, VS whatever country they think is superior)
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QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 11 2008, 05:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gaia.plateau @ Apr 11 2008, 07:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
People that can't read.

I can read, you bashed my country and then said patriots were tools.......

Really? I did? Would you mind quoting it?

Be careful not to accidentally quote where I "bashed" my country and then said patriots were tools. Edited by gaia.plateau
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QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 11 2008, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I blame the steady decline* of this country on LBJ and the presidents that followed him.

By signing and ratifying the civil rights act?

Regarding Vietnam, LBJ only followed in Truman's legacy which was the only viable option he had. Johnson gets way, way too much flak, resulting entirely from sensationalist rhetoric and bandwagoning, when his predecessors and successors were usually much more culpable.
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QUOTE (shisha fan @ Apr 11 2008, 05:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (r1v3th3ad @ Apr 12 2008, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
here we go, another threadjack/forum war... dodgy.gif

no, merely a discussion about things that we dislike, some more passionate than others.

With a thread titled "People That Should Be Systematically Exterminated" one would expect disagreements and some passionate discussions. The trick will be if things can be discussed in a reasonable and civil way...

Edited to add:
For example, I may not agree with Gaia but I respect his point of view... However that will not stop me from challenging him with statements... 1. To better understand his point of view, and 2. To allow him to see my point of view. Will we agree??? Probably not, but if he was here in Salt Lake I'd happily invite him in for a smoke...

Sorry Gaia....not meaning to single you out...
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QUOTE (gaia.plateau @ Apr 9 2008, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Canon @ Apr 9 2008, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i guess i should be exterminated

If you consider laws against free speech to be "democratic", an economic recession to be "properous", belligerant invasions to be "legal", elimination of privacy to be "free", healthcare and education for the rich only to be "equality", all of the above to be "perfect", and people that question and criticize to be "traitors", then it is probably in the best interest of your national society and our global society that you be exterminated, yeah. That's not personal belief, that's objective analysis.

Here is where you started bashing my country. Many posts after you bashed your own. I'm sorry, but do you have an answer on how to fix our government (besides stating the ever so obvious?) and the actual ability to do so? If not then, my original statement about sitting on ones ass and talking out of it, still applies.

Health care is not just for the rich... join the military and get free health care for you and your family. What about getting a job that has health benefits? Why not get one of those like the rest of the population? Instead we have people in this country who want HAND OUTS. They want to be taken care of because they are to damn lazy to get off the couch , quit popping out babies and get a damn job. All the while, this will again have to come out of my pocket? Why should I be forced to use this new proposed health care, and if I don't , why should i be taxed for not using it?

Not just the rich go to school. Ever hear of working your ass off and going to school? Well, people should, it makes them want it more and not screw around as much. I'm sorry, make good grades, earn a scholarship like I had to, and go to school. I shouldn't have to have money taken out of my check so joe schmoe can fuck off in college and go party. I sure as hell didn't get to party and have a great time because I am too busy earning the paycheck, and working a job that pays my health insurance! biggrin.gif

Yes, i agree that our civil liberties are being fringed upon, and ever too slowly are we losing our freedoms! Not by people like me though! I want the republicans out of my bedroom and the democrats out of my damn wallet! I think the homeland security laws are bullshit and need to repealed immediately, but will never happen. I think that people are WAY to quick to give up their freedoms "for protection". Also with that, I think that we should pull out of iraq. But the time has come and gone, where I'm not sure if we can pull out of iraq. If we do, what will happen? i DUNNO. I want our boys home though. I'm just worried about the catch 22 if we stay and what will happen if we leave.

I also think that since the US is heading for a recession the rest of the world is feeling the pain afterall. The reason, because EVERYBODY depends on us. I don't think anybody really depends on canada..... Edited by kornkitten42
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QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 12 2008, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (gaia.plateau @ Apr 9 2008, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Canon @ Apr 9 2008, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i guess i should be exterminated

If you consider laws against free speech to be "democratic", an economic recession to be "properous", belligerant invasions to be "legal", elimination of privacy to be "free", healthcare and education for the rich only to be "equality", all of the above to be "perfect", and people that question and criticize to be "traitors", then it is probably in the best interest of your national society and our global society that you be exterminated, yeah. That's not personal belief, that's objective analysis.

Here is where you started bashing my country. Many posts after you bashed your own. I'm sorry, but do you have an answer on how to fix our government (besides stating the ever so obvious?) and the actual ability to do so? If not then, my original statement about sitting on ones ass and talking out of it, still applies.

Hmmm so then why did you explicitly say that I "bashed your country, then called patriots tools"? Whatever, doesn't matter, this is grasping at straws. To Canon's question of whether or not I think he should be exterminated, I asked a line of questioning to determine if he deliberately ignores all the problems in his country. I didn't say that the US has more problems than other countries, did I?

I in no way shape or form "bashed" your country, and let's get one thing straight, criticizing something is good for that something, whether it be a country, a song, or a waistline. Criticism makes things get better. By associating all criticism of a country with "bashing" it, you're hurting that country. The world is imperfect, people are imperfect, and your country is imperfect. Get over it and stop trying to prevent people from making things better.

QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 12 2008, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Health care is not just for the rich... join the military and get free health care for you and your family. What about getting a job that has health benefits? Why not get one of those like the rest of the population? Instead we have people in this country who want HAND OUTS. They want to be taken care of because they are to damn lazy to get off the couch , quit popping out babies and get a damn job. All the while, this will again have to come out of my pocket? Why should I be forced to use this new proposed health care, and if I don't , why should i be taxed for not using it?

If you have a job with health benefits, you are extremely wealthy by international standards, and in the minority of Americans. I think that the idea you proposed of people having to join the military and sacrifice their lives and identies for corporate interest just so they and their family get equal security against illness and disease as the rich proves incontestably that my criticism was just and constructive.

QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 12 2008, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not just the rich go to school. Ever hear of working your ass off and going to school? Well, people should, it makes them want it more and not screw around as much. I'm sorry, make good grades, earn a scholarship like I had to, and go to school. I shouldn't have to have money taken out of my check so joe schmoe can fuck off in college and go party. I sure as hell didn't get to party and have a great time because I am too busy earning the paycheck, and working a job that pays my health insurance! biggrin.gif

Remind me, is the US public education system ranked as the 64th or 65th best in the world? I can never remember. In poor, urban areas, drop out rates are 1 in 3. Unless you're about to proclaim that blacks and hispanics are dumber than white people, that's proof positive that poor people have very little chance at education in the country in question.

QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 12 2008, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yes, i agree that our civil liberties are being fringed upon, and ever too slowly are we losing our freedoms! Not by people like me though! I want the republicans out of my bedroom and the democrats out of my damn wallet! I think the homeland security laws are bullshit and need to repealed immediately, but will never happen. I think that people are WAY to quick to give up their freedoms "for protection". Also with that, I think that we should pull out of iraq. But the time has come and gone, where I'm not sure if we can pull out of iraq. If we do, what will happen? i DUNNO. I want our boys home though. I'm just worried about the catch 22 if we stay and what will happen if we leave.

The first step to reaching that place is by accepting that there are problems in Western society. You can't work toward improving anything by aggressively riling against constructive criticism; that's the ostrich method.

QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 12 2008, 02:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I also think that since the US is heading for a recession the rest of the world is feeling the pain afterall. The reason, because EVERYBODY depends on us. I don't think anybody really depends on canada.....

Let's ignore the fact that Canada has the three largest oil deposits in the world... one of the largest diamond mines in the world... by far the greatest volume of boreal forest in the world... is one of the primary sources of uranium in the world... is the primary source of potash in the world... and is one of the largest exporters of grains in the world. Ignore all that, those aren't absolute human necessities.

Let's even ignore that Canadians invented peacekeeping and the lightbulb (that's right, do your homework tongue.gif), let's ignore the fact that the Canadian military is cleaning up the mess in Afghanistan, and makes up a major part of NATO. You can argue that that stuff isn't depended upon.

But now there's something you can't ignore tongue.gif we have 1/5th of all the freshwater in the world, a world that is going to be facing global water shortages within a decade, and you get over half of your water from us for free, something that civil society is pushing to repeal next year.

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Not going to speak anymore on this except I dont' have my head in the sand gaia. Like i've said A hundred times. My country isn't perfect. My country needs reform and change, but every time you post about the US. You criticize it. Like it's the red headed bastard step child of the world. When there is never a nice thing that comes out of your mouth about something, most will see that as bashing. ( if you were to constantaly do this to a human, that person would think that you despise them.)

We should have a gaia vs kornkitten thread. Just so we can debate things in our own thread lol.

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QUOTE (kornkitten42 @ Apr 12 2008, 04:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
every time you post about the US. You criticize it...

...When there is never a nice thing that comes out of your mouth about something, most will see that as bashing.

This isn't even remotely true, though I'm not about take hours and hours to sift through hundreds of threads just to prove the selectivity of your memory.


What I do is balance, because the middle path is the only way that you can ever find any truth. If you read my posts on very liberal political sites, you'll see that I argue conservatively. If you read my posts on very conservative sites, you'll see that I argue liberally. When I argue with conspiracy theorists, I challenge them with the great improbabilities of their claims. When I argue with conformists, I challenge with the with great improbabilities of their rebuttals.

Most people in Canada, unfortunately, can be described as "anti-American". I can't say that I entirely blame them, especially regarding the gun to our head that is NAFTA, but if you ever came across me in a political discussion with one of these average Canadians you would find me being very "pro-American" to balance out their bias.

The fact that you perceive me as "bashing" the US in my every post is much more revealing of your bias than mine. Edited by gaia.plateau
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