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To The "love" Shisha Folks

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So before I begin, allow me to show you what exactly I found in my mailbox today.

Well Hot Damn! My Free Sample! Even a note from the post office! THEY CARE!! WOOT! And all this time I thought I was just a number.. However, unfortunately for me, they really dont care.. They are informing me that they throttled my "package"

When I dug into the wet plastic baggie, I found this. Yes, that is shisha on the inside and outside of the envelope.

Flat as a piece of paper and no thicker than one.. I decided, I must go on.

If it looks like there alot of moisture, thats probably a trick of the plastic, this stuff is pretty smashed and all the juicy goodness on the envelope.. But wait, theres more!

I am sure you were very poetical in your vision to explain how much pride you take in this and how much you wish I enjoy this free sample. Since you address me as a lover, I didn't know you cared that much either! Talk about service! How Committed you are, how I can expect something. how what I think something, how you will let me know something, how I have a better chance at being the first to trying our something, and how you wished we something... I weep at the lovely words I cannot read. It was probably like listening to angels on high.

Ok enough of that..

My sample was pretty screwed up. I am going to try reeeeeal hard to get the remaining 10 or so grams i have here into a bowl to see what happens to it. But I think I may hold off on the review until you let me know your thoughts..

Happy trails.

Ps. Heres what was able to be salvaged. Hopefully it's enough for somethin.

Edited by Shifty
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