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How the game works.

A question will be asked. The first person to answer the question correctly is the winner of the round. The person who asked the question sends a prize to the winner of the round. The winner of the round then asks a question and a new round begins.

The questions can be about anything and I mean anything you want. Please keep the forum rules in mind as well. You can have a question like what is 2+2=? to some movie or music trivia, sports, news, history etc... to what your favorite flavor of shisha is, it can be anything really. I always try to keep the questions from something you can google just to keep competition going.

I guess per member per day unless otherwise noted by the member asking the question.( So you the member asking the question can state how many guess per day a user can make.)

The Rules.

All players need to PM me before joining. For new members to the forum I would like 50 posts before playing and a positive review in the trade reviews. I understand that not everyone will have a positive reviews right away. * Sorry guys anyone out of the US, needs to pay for shipping depending on the costs*

This can be worked out, if you have less than 2 reviews as a winner your prize will be held till, you post your question and when answered you send out the prize once the person who answered your question receives your prize, yours will be shipped to you.

Once you have won around you need to wait at least 4 rounds till you can play again, this is to keep the game fair. If you win you need to respond with your question with in two days of winning around, this way the game says moving.

When you receive a prize you must give a positive review in the trade reviews section for the person that sent it to you. You cannot play again till you do.

The prize(s) will consist of ordering/sending coals, shisha, bowls....etc hookah related. The prizes should be worth between 5-15 dollars, unopened/unused., you dont need to ordered if you have somethings laying around that havent been used. Please guys dont send junk to the winners it doesnt have to cost the full 15 bucks but dont be sending soex or rolland coals. Also the person who wins the round and is up next in fairness try to make your prize about as much as the prize you have received (will be receiving for the newer members)

If a new member wins a round please PM me and hold his(new member) prize till you get a message from the winner of the next round receives theirs. I know many people are honest here but it needs to stay fair so no one can just come in here and rip someone off. Also because of this no two new members can win twice in row to make sure we dont have to keep waiting around to send out prizes. Sorry guys.

Not sending out a prize or not sending a proper prize will result in being banned from the game, among other things you probably won’t want to show your face around the forums again.

If there is an issue pleases PM me and we can work it out. Don’t fight on the forums. Fighting will get you banned for some time from the game regardless of who did what.

Shipping the prize should be in a timely manner, we all have lives outside of the internet things come up and we get busy. Try to send the prize out within a week of the round ending.

I think this takes care of the rules, I cant think of anything I missed but if I did I will add it so these *rules are subject to change*. Also if there is something you guys think post it. I may be running it but its flexible, let me know I don’t have a problem working with around something.




Let the Games Begin!

List of Members in the Game
Mjdx88 SimplexCoda Chromecarz00 Canon Bryankphotography Phork Questions Jeff_T Cybersist mj_b90 Voski Jfaltous Smidge Vetbridge

Shisha Fan Alpha Juno kornkitten42 gaia.plateau r1v3th3ad

***Remember all you need to is PM and your in if you dont meet the requirements**** Edited by mjdx88
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Okay I will be starting the game. You can announce your prize or make it a surprise. You guys will be playing for this round a few 50g samples!

Name one of my all time favorite TV shows.

2 Hints to start off.

Its Sci-Fi
It has a cult following

Good Luck

One guess per day.

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I wont be posting updates after this message in this thread so it doesnt get in the way of the game. All updates besides the rules will be posted in the other thread A little on going game. Vetbridge will have a little while longer than the updated 2 days to asked the next question since I had just changed that and would not be fair to him.

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"We are the champions, we are the champions", Oops. Sorry, I was just celebrating. dance.gif hehe.

OK, my question:

I am a veterinarian. Although I see mostly dogs and cats, I have castrated a couple of horses for friends over the years. Name two other species that I have castrated. (asking for only one would probably be way too easy). I will not comment on partially correct answers unless it looks like nobody is gonna get it.

So, other than dogs, cats, horses, name two species whose balls I have removed.
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Here's my question. I work at a surgeons office. One patient came in and had something wrong with her vagina. The M.A. said it looked like some type of food (there wasn't actually and food it was what it looked like) was in there. So what was the food she was talking about. If this is to nasty or something let me know and I will ask something else.

edit: added (there wasn't actually and food it was what it looked like)
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One time my cousin Walter got this cat stuck in his ass. True story. He bought it at our local mall, so the whole fiasco wound up on the news. It was embarrassing for my relatives and all, but the next week, he did it again. Different cat, same results, complete with another trip to the emergency room.

So, I run into him a week later in the mall and he's buying another cat. And I says to him, "Jesus, Walt! You know you're gonna get this cat stuck in your ass too. Why don't you knock it off ?"

And he said to me, "Brodie, how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out ?"

On a more serious note: roast beef.
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