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New member Questions

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Hi everyone, My name is Bruce and I was wondering if any of yall have tried sultan tobacco or splash tobacco and what was your take on it. The reason I ask is because the company i bought my hookah from has those tobaccos listed and they have some real interesting flavors. Also wondering if anyone hear buys, or knows where u buy Royal Brand quick light charcoal.Thanks,Bruce
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I would have to agree with Jon, Nakhla is my favorite too, its simply the best tasting flavor and for a good price, especialy at www.hookahbazaar.com we actualy have the lowest priced Nakhla Tobacco in the US.
Check out the website, you'l see what I mean...
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  • 1 year later...
Mathazar's right; you'll not be disappointed with hookah-hookah tobacco
(especially the hazlenut!). It's drier than most tobacco
and has a different consistency, but once you tweak it  a little
you'll have a smoke of a lifetime.  Half  a bowl of
hookah-hookah lasts longer than a full bowl of most any other brand
that i've smoked.  Give it a shot.
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