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I regularly smoke my shisha but sometimes I find some weird effects
that I'm desperate to find out about. I usualy smoke nakhla with golden
river quicklighting charcoal (one tablet). After a good, long smoke I
often start to feel hot,
& then feel a headache coming along. If my shisha session has been
a bit intense then I sometimes even puke up a little. Is this
else had any similar effects?

Is it my golden river coal, or my cheap nakhla tobbaco (I need to smoke that stuff
away so I can buy some quality tobacco), or something else? I don't
think its just me personally as I am also a cigarette smoker (yeah I'm
trying to quit!) and often enjoy cigars too. But I need to sort out
this shisha prob....?

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i get headaches a few times and also my heart starts beating sooooooo
fast and when i get up it all goes crazy around me - the only way
around it is by sitting down for a good hour so my rush goes. the only
times this is happend to me is if when i first take the hookah i start
shivering ?? why ? and becasue the flavour is totattly burnt otherwise
its just because i hogg the hookah for ages anf forget to BREATHE .....

my 0.2 centz

donkeema - big up east london keemaz !!
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That's because only the cool people get green, Donkeema...
Anyway, don't freak out bastard; sometimes it just makes you sick.  Remember, you are inhaling smoke with hundreds of different chemicals permeating that massive white cloud.  If you smoke too much, your body's natural reaction is going to be either a headache to get you to stop what your doing, or vomiting in an attempt to "expel" any consumed toxins (your body doesn't know that you were smoking).  There are a few things you can do to help prevent this though:
1)  EAT BEFOREHAND!  The single biggest problem that people experience.  Try to at least have a snack before or while you are smoking.
2)  Slow down.  When you feel the intense warmth coming on, lay off for a good 1-2 minutes before the next puff.  The coal should stay lit and it won't burn the tobacco (the flow of air causes it to heat up and burn the tobacco).
3)  Don't confuse hookah as being "wimpy" compared to cigarettes like many of my smoker friends do.  The chemicals, additives, preservatives, etc. are different and have different effects.  In other words, ease into a smoke session and don't go in full force puffing your brains out.  That way, you'll know you're getting sick long before you have to suddenly blow chunks.
Believe me, its not the Nahkla or charcoal.  By the way, welcome to the forum.  If you need any more advice, feel free to post a query.
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my theory on this is carbon monoxide poisoning. coals give off allot of CO and your taking that right into your lungs. try slowing down and get some fresh air in ya as soon as you feel it coming on. your being a cig smoker makes it worse because you already have some CO in ya from smoking trough the day.
i know if i smoke 2 heads back to back i can count on a migraine.
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You have carbon monoxide poisoning in the mild to moderate stages. You
might want to consider a few things. Puff on the hookah less don't
POWER smoke. Don't take overly long or marathon draws, this is putting
quite a bit of carbon monoxide into your system to be diffused. Do less
tricks like smoke rings and such that leave smoke in your lungs for the
co to be absorbed. Also consider using higher quality coals with less
additives. Covers help concentrate the co and let less fresh air
circulate. Also pay attention to where you are smoking, is there good
airflow a large enough room or has the air gone stale in the room? Also
are the coals burning your tobacco.

I used to get hookah head when I started smoking. We all have gotten it
at one point. These tricks have cause me to totally eliminate hookah
head and have a great smoke. I think the main problem is drawing to
much and taking too long a draw. My friend always got hookah head and
after he drew less and did not draw so hard he does not get it anymore.

Here are some website to give symptoms -



Happy hookah
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Holy sh*t...I read the OPs original post but neglected to see who wrote
it, and when I came to Hookendo's response, "don't freak out bastard",
I was like damn, thats kinda harsh. Then I realized what the OPs name

Anyways, I was going to suggest maybe its due to your body not being
used to all the nicotine, but then saw that you smoke ciggs and cigars,
so that can't be it. But I think monoxide posining could be the
culprit. I've never experienced any of these symptoms. I may have
gotten light headed, but nothin more. And now that I've been smoking
for over 3 years, I don't even get light headed anymore.

Try switching to some natural coals. I hear some of the cheaper brands
of quicklights might contain more chemicals than you would like to know
about. Also, wait till your coal is compleltly lit, and all the black
is burnt off before you start pulling on it.

These are just some suggestions.
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[b]"Topic: headaches...vomiting?"[/b]
[b]Oh no! It sounds like nerve agent!![/b]
I thing the others are right in slowing down and seeking different coals. I've even gotten coals that screw me up real bad.
MR Bubble
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Guest LondonShisha
I found that I would get headaches after smoking a bowl of nakhla using swift-lite coal found in local shops. I put it down to 2 things:a) Cheap ass Nakhla - i'm sure the nakhla we get in the UK is close to it's sell by date and hence harsher and not as good as the stuff you get fresh from abroad (i.e. egypt).B) Swift lite coals are not meant for hookah smoking. The ones we get in the local shops (esp the indian shops) are meant for incense burning and have a lot more chemicals than the proper stuff. I use natural charcoal 'fingers' that I get from a hookah bar in London for 7 quid. Since moving from nahla to al-amir (or any other brand) and using the proper coals, I don't get any headaches.
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its the nakhala.  I used to smoke nakhala and i could only get
through 2 bowsl then i would have to take off my shirt cause its was
totally soaked and put a cold towel on my head and lie down for about
an hour and just not move.

Then i switched to al fakher/al amir/ havana and i never have that problem anymore.
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Sup Bastard. I am using the same coal as you and had a terrible migrane just the other day. I figured it must be the carbon monoxide in the coal. But like the other guys said, dont smoke like a maniac, remember to take a breather,literally, breathe in through the nose out the mouth and you should be fine. I must say though,since the head ache experience i am a bit anxious bout smoking now...
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I sencond Lebanese blonds comment. The nakhla made me sweat after alittle and feel like sh*t after a couple bowls, then when we started using Romman and al fakher it never happened anymore. id say just buy some better quality shisha-Ravi
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I dunno why, but more recently I've been puffing on my shishas, bowl
after bowl with the same cheap nakhla & coal without any effects. I
think its cos I smoke it in the park now with more ventilation even
though I still smoke like a maniac. My new hookah lounge is west ham
park whenever I have a few lessons off college with a few mates! But
its getting really chilly there now so might have to cut back a bit.

Anyway, I'm going to try out some japanese coals instead & should have some good al-fakher coming through soon.
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A friend of mine and I have done the 4-bowl back-to-back marathon before and I only got the headaches the next morning.  It was horrible.  I usually get the headache after two large bowls back to back.  With 3 kings charcoal I feel more like poisoned than oxygen deprived. 
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Well i had a headache once or twice from my hookah, but thats when i
just started smoking. When i went to vecation i smoked 2-3 heads
everyday. I threw up a couple of times (2-4). Also once i smoked 3heads
with milk instead of water and 4 heads regularly ( all double-apple )
at the same night and i felt drunk, i tried to stand up twice and i
fell on the road both times, when i got home to my friends house i
threw up.     it was a fun vecation
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Carbon Monoxide poisoning is the problem, some types of charcoal
produce carbon monoxide more strongly. Coals that use gunpowder to
light (permangantes and perchlorates) and real Japanese Coal (Abu
Hitham or Golden Coals) (Nitrates and Chlorates) probably nearly
eliminate CO production. Coals that smell of sulfur or produce an oily,
black smoke (especially when first lighting) are to be suspected
including treated barbecue coals. Natural coal don't seem to be too
bad. I smoke upto 10 hours a day some days. If CO poisoning was the
problem, I would be the first to notice it and I use Abu Hitham
Japanese coals 95% natural coals 5% of the time.
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