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My Razan Hose Is In 12,000,000 Pieces...but Nazar Replaced It

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so i got a blue and white razan hose from nazar hookah on monday. i must say damn i have been missing out. lit up a bowl every night sometimes 2 or 3. well last night my hose fell apart. the mouth piece grommet fell out and bits of glue. then i noticed the handle cracked where it went in. the string broke that held the wrap on and the bottom fell off the handle. i send them a email and now no questions asked they are sending me a new one. i will say this I will totally recommend them to anyone. very easy to work with, and they actually talked to me on AIM so it was real time. this is only the second hose that fell apart that they told me. so thanks again Nazar hookah for being so great.
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My nammor did the same thing. I just took that crappy cover off and got a custom one from my friend that makes them (its velvet smile.gif) and then i just hot glueed the grommets back in and its better the before!
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