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Bad Day Of Experimenting

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So on a day of trying new pipes, new packing techniques (aluminum rings, etc.) new tobacco (a couple samples a friend gave me) all in a 90 degree plus heat wave, it just seemed like I hadn't had a successful bowl all bloody day. So I pulled down one of the KM pipe, added Starbuzz X on the Beach....... Finally.... Paradise. Sometimes it just don't pay to mess around, ya know?

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That's why I stick to the basics my friend. Dont over-complicate the matter. You smoke to relax, to taste the niceties of great tobaccos. It doesnt pay to mess with an already good technique. That's why I often dont experiment except when it comes to tobacco and heat management. Smoke happy!
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A worse day of experimenting for me: First of all, bad batch of tobacco, plus a mix of Tiramisu, Dr Pepper, and Clove.

Tasted really crazy, kinda good, then it just began to taste like someone shit in my mouth. Yep.
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my worst was mixing some Nakhla single apple with this thing called Orange honey, OMG tasted EXACTLY like what i would think laundry detergent would wacko.gif

I agree to sticking to the basic, i agree to such an extent that I even think putting ice in your vase is overrated. just pack the bowl and smoke it, its tobbaco anyway.
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