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2 Shisha Questions

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I got one flavor by al amir- that is banana split and im seriously
considering ordering more flavors. Let me start by saying 'banana
split' tasting nothing like a banana split but was pleasant and smooth
nonetheless. Definently go for it its a good tobacoo- yeilds a thick
amount of smoke with plenty of flavor, and the thing i like best about
it is the cut- its well minced to make it easy to pack a nice aerated

The only mint i have ever tried is by tabac le prince and it was quite
good. Since thats hard to find unless you live in france (or whereever
else you could get it) i suggest being safe and going with a tub of al
fakher mint or just sampling around. The best mint is the one that
leaves flavor without burning your throat- kind of like looking for
anise flavors.
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I'm not a big Al-Amir fan,  primarily because I find it lacks the
potency of flavor that I'm used to.  I find it's flavor quite

The BEST Mint I can reccommend is Fumari:  www.Fumari.com

It REALLY packs a PUNCH!!!  But,  I would designate one hose
specifically for the mint,  as it will ruin all your other
hoses.  And don't smoke it by itself,  just mix a pinch of it
with other flavors,  because though it's an amazing flavor, 
it can be a bit overwhelming on it's own.

And,  btw,  if you're looking for an EXCELLENT hose,  go
to:  www.MYASARAY.com and order some of their stainless steel
tipped washable hoses.  They're $7.00 each and they're the
best,  in my opinion 
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