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Hi, i was planning to get bubblegum flavour. There doesnt seem to be any reviews for the bubble gum flavour in the review section though, so not sure. and the pink lemonade is ouut of stock.

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blueberry and pink lemonade are the only ones i've tried but both were excellent and btw what site are you ordering from cause www.worldhookah.com has it in stock cause i just bought some pink lemonade from them.
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Fantasia is a big seller at my local smoke shop, its good stuff. $4.95 for 50g.

Here's a mini review for ya-

Cotton Candy: pretty weak flavor, but what you do get is oh so tasty!! Tastes like candy. Pretty good, full smoke. Very, very wet as with all Fantasia.
Green Apple Martini: probably my favorite. Strong flavor, good smoke. Tastes like double apple with a little tangy punch.
Peach Fuzzy Navel: smells and tastes exactly like those little peach ring candies. Excellent flavor.. mix with vanilla for peaches n cream.

Those are the 3 I've tried. I haven't tried Pink Lemonade yet, but from the reviews I've read its supposedly really, really good.

Best of luck! Fantasia is good stuff.
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hey i just got in a 3 things of fantasia i got cotton candy, candy cane, and margarita........and they are all amazing i packed my funnel last night with candy cane and we smoked it for 2 and a half hour...yea....so if your into minty flavors its amazing....the cotton candy it really good to has a really good taste and you get a pretty good buzz off it....and margarita is like a lemon lime like flavor but its really good....imo all three of these flavors are great...highly recommend them
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