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Here's A Flavor Question For The Vets:

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So, I've been smoking for a few years, I went through periods of less smoking, to more, back to less, and I have been smoking maybe 30 minutes a day for the last few months. I started with traditional shisha, like Nahkla, with sweet flavors (like strawberry) and strong flavors (like coffee), then moved to AF, sticking to sour flavors, then moved to strictly smoking Tangier's for around 8 months. Now I'm tired of every damn Tangiers's flavor I loved before (Kiwi, Watermelon, Passionfruit- although I will still smoke that on occasion, Lime, Strawberry, Green Apple, etc) excluding their excellent Mint flavor. So where do I go next? I've been thinking about going back to traditional, but hell, I don't know.

What do the long timers here think?

BTW, I've been off the boards because I've been too damn busy with work, 18 creds of upper division and graduate courses, and family bullshit to spend time thinking about hookah, when I could be smoking hookah. I'll be back pestering all of you more frequently sometime in May. Moving into a new place where everyone is down with the hookah. And the house has three bars. Three. Fuck yeah. Edited by Geiseric
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You dont always need to stay with one thing for a long time and then switch. I mix it up when I smoke. I'll smoke Tangiers one weekend and maybe Al Waha or Pharaohs or Starbuzz the next. I dont stay with one thing because I can keep it fresh when I smoke it the next time.
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When nothing I have appeals to me, I walk into the local store (I have a couple of favorite shops), and start sniffing. When I come across something that has me thinking "oh, have to try that", I buy. Usually I'm very pleased. And I'm constantly switching up. Right now I have 38 different flavors all total although a couple are duplicated between brands. They range from coffee or clove types to fruits to specialized mixes. I smoke every night and the best part is choosing what I'm in the mood for that particular night. It's rarely the same flavor/brand two nights in a row.

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take a break for awhile, i stopped smoking as much as i used to.. and sooner or later you will get the urge to fire up a bowl after a long day and jus relax
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I went through a period like that. It was mostly because the people I smoked with weren't up for trying new things and didn't really have much knowledge of hookah to begin with.

On my own, though, I constantly find ways to innovate, be it modifying the actual hookah to produce a better and more unique smoke or trying various mixes of tobacco and base liquids. Alcoholic beverages are always fun, especially flavored vodka and rum. Juices and sodas add their own special kick(the carbonation alone acts like a diffuser).

If you aren't that adventurous, mixing different flavors and brands will give you a new smoke every time.

A bottom layer of Tangiers mixed with AF, Pharohs, or any other tobacco that accepts heat a little more will give you a smoke that will change the longer you smoke. Try mixing your sweet flavors with a sour flavor for a sweet and sour taste. Coffee flavor and a fruit flavor produces good results too.
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I go through this and I've allways gravitated back to Nahkla.

Now I tend to mix it up a lot more. Layalina one night, nahkla another, fusion, Potion ect ect.

Variety is the spice of life - Work on that character flaw tongue.gif

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Actually, I understand completely. For the last i dont know how many months now, All I smoke is K-peach. All day, 5 days a week (was 6). I just don't seem to get tired of the flavour. For variety i smoke a sample I got or a bowl or 2 of a new main stream flavour I'm thinking of carrying at the bar. But to be honest, K-peach (until k-cherry gets into the market) will always be my go to smoke. And I really don't have a problem with that.... tongue.gif
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haha i have some k. cherry mushhhy! but anyways.. mush isn;t lying, i saw his order at eric a while back and he seriously had like 10 kilos of jus kashmir peach.. talk about obsessed..
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Wow. Makes me feel less bad about the frequency that I smoke mint. It just mixes so well with everything else, food, alcohol, you name it, mint tastes good with it. I've never tried k peach, always disliked the flowery taste of kashmir, but maybe its time to give it a try.
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I think mint is a staple that not many people could get tired of.

Every inhalation has the cold, fresh taste of Listerine.

It's very hard to smoke after a shot of Bacardi 151, but then again, what isn't? On that same note, NEVER drink Mountain Dew after Bacardi 151... it burns so badly.
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