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Al-Fakher sample pack?

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Is there any place that has 50g sample packs of AF? I'm relatively new to hookah and have only smoked Nakhla.
Since I've never tried AF I decided to read a bunch of reviews but cannot decide which flavors to pick out. I can only afford like two tubs of 250g, and i dont want to make bad choices.
Maybe if there is no place to get 50g samples, you guys could just tell me 2 good flavors to try?
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[quote name='mushrat']if you only go with 2 flavours: go with the AF Golden Eskerandani apple and the regular AF sweet melon (melon)....
Both EXCELLENT choices.[/quote]
I've def heard a lot about the AF golden Eskerandani apple, so that'd be one i'll definately get. I dunno about the melon, i'm not a huge melon fan.
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[quote name='mushrat']ah...well..failing the melon, then the Lemon is quite good as well....[/quote]
Do you order the 250g from bnnimportexport.com also? I plan to get a couple 50g from there, but is that where most of you also get your 250g in the US? Or somewhere else?
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Don't be put off by the color of the melon..it is RED, I mean BRIGHT RED, even the smoke has a pink tinge to it I kid you not!
I'm not sure if I've ever tried the grape...but you SHOULD be happy with atleast 2of those choices. If not I'll bet you could use the melon as trade and get some nice samples from folks for things they have...
We used to do a lot of trading a while back...
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