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Secure shops

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I've been looking at online hookah shops, and found a couple that I'm interested in having business with..
Still, other look a bit dodgy, so I'm thinking if you guys could point out a couple of secure ones.
Also, due to customs where I live, importing tobacco through mail is
illegal, so I was thinking if there was any non tobacco shisha you
could point out to me.
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[url="http://www.shishapipe.net/"]http://www.shishapipe.net/[/url] - they sell HERBEL SOEX MOLLASES which are
free of ANY TOBBACO ANY TAR or ANY NICOTINE - i think they have a hefty
price with it though and i am not sure if they ship any where apart
from the uk.

still have a look through if u like anything Buy it !
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some folks have managed to work around the import restrictions I think. A few easy things to look at for a site is 1)does it have a phone number 2) if you call it do you actually get a person? if you name some of the sites the members here can probably tell you if they have uised them and if they have had any problems.
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