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Bringing Starbuzz And Tangiers To The Uk

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Is Starbuzz and Tangiers ever going to reach the UK, I mean as in local shops (e.g edgeware) begin to sell them. Or any online UK suppliers that begin selling them.

Also why hasen't it reached the UK, I know about tobacco tax but Al Fakher, Fake Al Fakher!, Al Waha, Nakhla, El Basha, Soex!, Afzal have all been successful. Usually in the markets all you find is soex these days, even though its not bad but nowere near the levels of tangiers and starbuzz. I am sick of ordering from American Based websites with these delivery rates (no offence even though some of them do offer excellent deals). It would be soo much more easier ordering within the UK and paying couple of £'s for delivery. Edited by amnite
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well it would be more expensive to order from the UK anyway.. i think JD says it comes to roughly the same price, unless you buy in bulk, in which case ordering from america is cheaper? (correct me if im wrong). And Starbuzz and tangiers are already expensive to begin with.. would you be willing to pay around 20GBP for a 250g tin of starbuzz?
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