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Which Takes The Most/less Heat?

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Hey guys with all the talk about heat management I've been wondering (seeing as how I'm relatively new to hookah) which shishas can take more heat? I've tried a couple of brands and I think I have room for improvement on heat management. I just want to see what you guys think? I've tried Starbuzz, AF, AW, Romman, and am waiting on my order of Melon Blend Tangiers. Which ones take the most heat? Rank 'em from moest to least. Feel free to incude any other brands.
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The only one of those brands I have tried is Tangiers, and 1.5 3Kings QL was enough to keep it going. I had one coal split in half and the other half on the foil in a triangle pattern. Not sure for natural coals and I just got my first box of Exoticas today and dont have any Tangiers. However, with Fantasia, I had two 2in pieces of the Exotica coal on there and it was smoking fine.
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Does the bowl being used have anything to with the amount of heat? Right now I'm using a standard egyptian bowl but I'll be changing to a tangiers phunnell w/scalli mod.
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AW takes about one 3k QL which is pretty good.

AF takes about 1.5 Golden QL

Pharaoahs takes about the same.

off side of that im not sure
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How much coal you use always depends on the size of the bowl. I have a little 15g bowl for which I use two halves 33mm Three Kings; a medium sized egyptian for which I use three halves; and on the phunnel bowl I use four.
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yea im thinking the bowl is a big factor in heat managment ( wich i also have room for improvement) Im noticeing that my phunnel, scince it is modified and not direct air flow, needs more heat, such as four 1/4 jap quick lights. While a regular modern or egyptian takes alot less heat in which i would normaly use maybe two 1/4ths.
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