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After spending alot of time, deciding on what kind of sisha to get, I finally decided on getting a standard egyptian one, with a green base.
[url="https://www.shisha.co.uk/shopcart/product.php?productid=16342&cat=257&page=1"] [url="https://www.shisha.co.uk/shopcart/product.php?productid=1634"]https://www.shisha.co.uk/shopcart/product.p...?productid=1634[/url][/url] 2&cat=257&page=1
Then I started picking my "tobacco". I decided on buying SOEX non-tobacco alternative, seeing as i spent 5 painful months on quitting smoking, and I don't go to hookah bars so often that i'll get hooked again.
Anyway.. I picked apple, double apple, strawberry and mint. I could have saved some money on buying a pack of 4 250gr packs, but then i would have received aniseed flavoured instead of double apple, and I really don't like aniseed.
The grand total?

(€ 106.40)

(€ 124.88)


(€ 231.28)
I decided to hang at hookah bars for a while longer, as I'm going to England in february anyway, I'll rather buy a hookah and SOEX there
By the way.. Has anyone tried the tobacco alternative stuff? Should I maybe go for the real stuff?
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there about a dozen different threads about the soex actually. Type soex into the little search engine on the left and check them out.
warning though, double apples have aniseed in them, its part of the flavour combination.
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