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I Hate The New Lounge And My Grandma Just Died

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Well it's to late to say a prayer for her so all I can ask now is give me a day or 2 to get life figured out and we can go from here. My grandmother just died I got the call a few minutes ago. I am sure Holly is screwing up the business since I started the lounge so drop me a call at 702-572-2224. I will get everyone taken care of as well as compensated for the delays.

At least she is in a better place and not suffering anymore.

As for the new lounge it sucks owning it entirely. I hate all the hassles. If Mush would have told me how much hassle people would be I would not have done it at all.

On a lighter note. Smoke shop with seperate Hookah lounge (No mailorder business) for sale $95,000.00 Takes all.

But anyways Why I came here she just passed. Fuck I am starting to cry finally. I guess it just hit me.

I will try and pop in to chat. I am not sure I am up to it.

Love you all and stay safe. I will try and come in and get everything up and running right tomorrow.

You guys all have a great night day etc...
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Much love goes out to you Neal. I have had too many close people die on me this past year I stopped going to funerals. I hope all goes well with you. My G-ma is 86 and living at home with us now and I love her the most. Shes the greatest, and Idk what I'd do if she passed on. I can only assume how you feel.

God Speed Neal
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Sorry to hear about that. My grandad died about 4 years ago. Unfortunately I heard about it from my dad, who broke the message by leaving a voice message on my phone, in his usual ice-cold voice: "your grandad on your mums side is dead, he died a few hours ago." and that was pretty much the whole message. Like, WTF?! I burst into tear on hearing that.

I hope you recieved the news in a better way. Its ok to take time out.
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Neal. I am sorry to hear about your Grandma and I'm sorry to hear that your hookah lounge isn't going as smoothly as anticipated. I lost my Grandma last year and it was difficult. Take it one day at a time and take care of yourself first.
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Neal I am so sorry about your grandmother. My wife's grandfather passed yesterday, and she's a wreck also. I didn't know him, but loss is never easy. I will keep you and your family in my prayers!
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Sorry to hear of your loss Neal. To God we belong and to God we return. Everything will work out for the best. It is hard to see the end when you are in the middle of the storm yet. We are all pulling for you Neal. Take care of yourself first, that is most important.
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I am sorry to hear Neal, I lost my grandmother whom I was very close with about 5 years ago. I wish you the best,

On another note, PM me when you get things cleared up so we can chit chat about that hookah bar, and where exactly it is located.

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Jesus Christ Neal! You just had hell for a weekend didn't you! My condolences to you my brother, may God rest her soul.

P.S. What is with this whole smokeshop for sale business? Are you taking down DPG? :'(
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That's definitely a bummer in both cases....

I know how you feel with the grandparents situation... I lost my grandfather on my dad's side a couple years ago, devastating... And now my grandmother isnt feeling the best she could right now...

Definitely sucks with the bar too, is it too popular too quickly?
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I'm sorry to hear that Neal. I lost my grandfather a couple of years ago and I still can't believe he's gone. I know it sounds crazy, but I actually believed he would live forever. I think the second worst moment to burying a grandparent is the day when you realize they're mortal. My condolences go out to you Neal.
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My condolences for your loss Neal, its rough times, I had a similar thing a few years back starting my senior year in highschool. Keep your chin up, have a cup of tea, and a hookah in her memory. I will be dedicating the Fantasia Blueberry this evening in her name.
Take care
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Neal, you, your family and grandmother will be in my prayers, things will get better soon, just look for that light at the end of the tunnel.

The same goes for the hookah bar dude, I wasnt around for you opening your shop but im sure it had its share of hassles and looks where your at today. It can only get better my good man. Make sure you got enough time taken out for yourself, everything else can wait.

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