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Yet Another First Tangiers Attempt

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so i picked up a small phunnel bowl and some peach ice tea and rasberry.i opened the peach iced tea just now and its acclimating.i have band practice from 7-9 so i figure when i get back it should be around done.

so i have done my homework and im preety sure this is what i need to do

pack the bowl loosely til its packed over the top of the bowl
then put the foil on and press down till i see the indent of the phunnel
poke skewer size holes in an even pattern
i use canary golden coals so im thinking of using 2 of them split in half so i can have 4 pieces for good heat management
then hopefully enjoy.

the peach iced tea smell half like peach iced tea half like soy sauce so will prob be done when i get home.let me know if my methods sound right
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You should be fine. There are lots of different ways to smoke tangiers, and lots of DIY guides out there. I've heard good things if you push the skewer all the way down through the shisha, but I make no promises.

Let us know! :-)
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so i tried it and 2 things.might not have packed enough and might still need acclimating.didnt get strong flavor and not to thick of smoke but i can see the potential.i think me being sick is also a factor.so im gonna let the peach sit out the rest of the night count my loss on the bowl and try it tomorrow and acclimate my new rasberry
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Derek, if you need a hand getting the bowl setup to get a good smoke shoot me a message and I can come over and help you out. Another option is to drop by the Oddessey Lounge (Tangiers) off 5795 El Cajon Blvd and Eric (owner) will help you out too. Give him a call before you head over there unless you drop by during business hours 8PM-2AM.
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You're gonna have to use 4 whole Golden Canaries. Also, I never heard anyone recommend packing it loosely and/or pressing down until you see the indent of the funnel. Fill the bowl with tobacco about the same density as it is in the bowl -- just pick up clumps out of the container and don't change the consistency any more than is necessary to fill the bowl to the sides. I pack it like this until it's over the rim about half an inch, then I put the foil on tight and poke holes all around. I'll usually do less holes in the center -- you can always add more if the smoke is too strong.
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There's always a small amount of tobacco stuck to the foil when you pull it off. You could say it's a little burned but nothing you will taste when you smoke. If you're buring the tobacco further down into the bowl then you are using way too much heat.
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