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El Nakhla Appreciation Thread

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I first started hookah a few months ago. It came with Hookah Hookah shooter packets. I thought those were good but then I got introduced to Nakhla and now I refuse to smoke HH anymore.

Peach=YUM! My favorite flavor

Mint= Good mixing flavor, far too strong on its own. Its like smoking toothpaste

Rose= Light, delicate, yet flavorful

Apricot=Very strong, but good overall
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Got these at home and can't wait to try:
Mixed Fruits

The flavor and buzz combo, always great never disappointing!
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O sweet Nakhla, I would not be smoking hookah without you. I would feel bad for you for smoking and not having you in my stash tongue.gif

I love me some Nakhla!
Double Apple- Actually didnt like this flavor at first and now it is my favorite smoke... ever
Orange-Very nice flavor, love it
Mandarin- I think this is a little better than the orange
Mango- Wasnt sure at first either, but it grew on me

On all my orders from now on, I add a new flavor of Nakhla, because I know if its a flavor I like, Nakhla will have made it right. Nakhla is just so consistant and easy to get smoking, and hard to burn, and it gives me a bigger buzz than Tangiers
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Just bought some Nakhla Fakhfakhina Fruits. The stuff smells really strong but better than the Classic Nakhla Mixed Fruit.
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Oh, Im always down with Nakhla. Their Double Apple and Lemon can simply not be beat.

And, Fakhfakhina is really sweet. You gotta mix it with something to tone down its sweetness.

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Hmm, i'm talking abuot Nakhla here, i don't know if El Nakhla is different...

I love Nakhla Cherry, i'm about to order a kilo of the stuff. That was my first hookah smoke and i've loved it ever since. It's a real deep, smoky flavor which i love. Kind of has an "old smoke shop" taste to me. The other Nakhla flavors i've tried was Double Apple and Orange. Hated the orange, but the double apple is alright. Really have to be in the mood for it to smoke that one though, otherwise i get nauseous; it's a strong flavor for apple.

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