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O' The Strange Smell Of Al Amir

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i had never tried any of al amir's flavors. my "local" shop started carrying it so i purchased 3 50g boxes for 3 dollars apiece
i purchased blackberry, mixed fruit and grapes. when i got home i opened them up and when i took a whiff i noticed they all had the same absolutely aweful stench. it smelled like a plastic skunks butt. very plastic, polymer scent laying right on top of the fruit smell. seperate yet stuck to it. definitely not something i wanted to smoke. so i decided to place the three types in a tupperware type container and let it "air out" i've never had to do anything like this with any other shisha i've tried. i figured it needed to be acclimated even though it was washed. after a few hours the stink was still there, so i had it sit over night . in the morning i went to work and left it out. when i got home at 5 i couldn't smell the funk anymore. is this what acclimation is all about?
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lol yea my bro bought 2 bags of it once it tasted horrible...we didn't acclimate it so i can't vouch if that will help or not but i def did not have a good expirance with them
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AA does have a particular "twang" to it. And some of their flavours are quite good in my opinion.

Grapes and mixed fruit are NOT among my favorites however. The blackberry is an old friend...
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I'm going to have to second Mushrat, The Blackberry is incredibly good. The Blueberry was probably the worst flavor of shisha I've had to date. I think it tasted like barbeque sauce the other person I was smoking with decided it tasted more like bacon. We were both sober as nuns.
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Al Amir apple is pretty decent too, or at least the batch I got was. It's a thick red apple taste. I guess. I can't really explain it but I like it.

Haha, I forgot to put which flavor... Edited by Texico
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