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Kashmir Peach Tangiers Doesn't Really Taste Like Much

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So I just got Kashmir Peach and it doesn't taste anywhere as much as it smells. I get a slight spicy taste, that's about it. No sweet Peach taste to speak of.

This last time I put the shisha in my medium phunnel but didn't pack it down. I used 3 1/4 Exoticas and it smoked well and gave me a buzz...but it didn't taste like much of anything really. I have 1 layer of foil with 3 circls of large holes.

The first time I smoked it, I packed it down hard but I don't think I put enough in and only use 2 1/4 Exoticas. Didn't get much smoke that session.

Any help?
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I agree, the peach is much stronger when smelling the tobacco than when smoking it. I'd say that it's like 85% Kashmir and 15% Peach when smoking it, but damn, I still love the flavour.

Anyways, "[not] much of anything" doesn't sound right. I usually pack the bowl pretty tight, and use aout the same amount of coal that you described in the first example (3 1/4s) and I get good smoke and a strong, spicy-taste.

Have you tried to acclimate the tobacco?

Damn, now you made me want to smoke some K-peach ...
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I mixed some SB White Peach with it one day and it was AMAZING! I might have to do it tonight actually, sounds wonderful.
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The K-Peach with Starbuzz pumpkin pie is pretty amazing. try acclamating it longer.
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Well the shisha is sitting in a tuperware container w/ its lid. It's been in there for days now. It sits in my living room where I usually smoke. What else should I do to acclimate it?

I make sure to mix it up well before loading a bowl btw
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