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Can't Get A Good Smoke With

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so yeah...got this stuff in 2 weeks ago, let it acclimate for 5 or 6 hours till the smell was definitely green apple(smells just like green jolly ranchers). tried to smoke a bowl of it and all i got was harshness, a little bit of smoke, and little flavor. So i figured it needed to acclimate more. let it sit open over night to acclimate for another 8-10 hours, tried it again, and the same thing. let it sit open for another 24 hours and it's gotten a little better, but it's still really light on taste and smoke isn't the best. i've had good luck with k-peach and peach iced tea, but i just can't get this stuff smoking for the life of me. any tips or tricks or advice?
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Are you using a funnel bowl ? some tangiers in a regular bowl can be really harsh. also try cutting it with something other than tangiers.
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i tried the first time in a regular bowl, the other two times in a phunnel. i'll pack a bowl later and take some pics and everything...maybe someone can see something i'm doing incredibly wrong. Edited by leadpipecinch21
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so here's the bowl packed...i thought the pictures were better but this is what i got. the tobacco is a little bit below the rim of the bowl, basically even with the hole in the middle. hole size and arrangement is pretty obvious...

after a couple minutes smoking it it's harsh, not too terribly so, but still harsh. been working with the heat to try and get the right amount, but nothing i've been doing with it has cut down the harsh. the flavor is mediocre...more than before but not full flavor, and the smoke is good. ideas? Edited by leadpipecinch21
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Oh man, you need more tobaccy than that! It has to be over the rim and before tightening the foil, press on it. Check out the Tangiers how-to in the how-to section.
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word...i stopped smoking that first bowl like 5 minutes after postin that(so like 10 min total) so i just mixed up the good, added more tobacco and put in a bunch of holes. smoking pretty decent, though i still have a tickle. good clouds and good flavor though.

but it's weird...that was how i was packing the other stuff and it was smoking just fine...dunno what's up with that. and god damn i need to get a smaller funnel...this thing uses way too much tobacco.
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Ya I dont know about adding a ton more tobacco. Mine is just barely above the rim of the bowl then i press it down to about your height. Then foil it and poke the hell out of the foil with a toothpick. Then I use two pieces of coconara to get it going then once its going i take one off basically just to keep the bowl at a constant temp. It smokes well for me.
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I always pack my tangiers well above the rim and never pack it down. I just think it smokes better if its got some airflow. Also I poke a single in the center of the funnel, cleaner air and venting for blowback. I can smoke 3+ hours with solid tangiers and amazing smoke.
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