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Almost Starting A Fire

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well kinda anyway; what happens is that the golden river brand quicklights which i most often split in half goes "pppsfft" after have been lit and split by itself. its freaking me out. its no fun looking for red hot coals and being nervous about going to sleep after a hookah session thinking i might have missed something.Im doing this lighting procedure on my balcony but i have a carpet there and it not very far off from shrubs and trees down below. whats causing this? moisture? wind? any help would be wellcome.
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my roommate often drops coals on his carpet but usually by leaning back in his char when the hookah is too far away from him. it just falls over and makes a mess and smells like burning cat fur
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gometimes they just do that, ql's are unpredictable. ive seen a whole roll that works fine exept for the one.... the one that goes "ftftftftftftfttftftft........POP!.....fttftftftftftftfftfftftftfzoich.................ft...siz snap"
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