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So Don't Ever Buy "mouj Al Bahr" Ever, Ever. Ruined My Hoses. But I Got Some Vinyl, And...

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So I have some washable hoses coming, but I'll tell you what... I couldn't wait. I purchased some al bahr triple white apple because it was cheap and I was like "I'll compare to tangiers lol" well... it ruined all of my hoses. The smoke left some kind of rotting stinking orange residue inside of my old hoses. Damn could I not wash them for the life of me. I couldn't even save the end pieces to use with these, as you'll see. It was disgusting.
On a related note, my ebay hookah was amazing except for the hoses. 75 bucks for the 4 hose bastard. Everything is solid, airtight and easy to clean, 'cept the hoses. God it smells like carrots in here.

So yeah. Al bahr. Don't. Ever. Buy. Ever. I acclimated it for a day and it still smelled like play doh. Tasted like it too. The water I used had popsicles in it, as I was out of ice cubes, and it smelled like rot after that damn smoke ran through it. Never smelled that way with tangiers, either. I don't like cubes with tangiers, but it seems to make things nicer with other brands.

So yeah. Heres some pics of my makeshift solution while I wait for the damn cheap washables to come in from The devil's playground. Damn those guys are nice, and quick to reply about stuff.
But yeah. No caps, but it fits in alright anyhow. Works good, too!

So yeah. Pretty nice lookin' guy for 75 bucks, huh?

Maybe I got a terrible batch, or maybe I'm spoiled because I smoke tangiers almost exclusively... (meaning to pick up some starbuzz, and a few other brands with decent reviews... open to suggestions) but everyone else says it tastes pretty damn good? I contacted the guys who sent it to me, and I'll see what happens. I'm not mad, it was only 4 bucks, and the hoses were shoddy already anyhow, so it's not like it's thier fault. Maybe the tabacco's fault.

Can shisha rot? Maybe it's rotten. tongue.gif Edited by punkonjunk
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