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Thick Smoke

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Hey guys,

This just dawned on me...why do we care so much for really thick smoke? I mean when I get a decent amount with lots of flavor Im content, then I proceed to get thicker smoke but the flavor seems to be the same....so it doesnt seem like a flavor thing to me.

Is it like penis size or the size of your truck?

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you have to references to penis size in one post. Damn. Compensation? tongue.gif

I really enjoy having really thick smoke. It's fun to play with, and just feels nice. But yeah, it's mostly aesthetics.
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It just enhances the experience.

I dont "try" to get thick smoke. I just put a phunnel bowl, put 4 small-medium sized coals on it, and start smoking away...and thickness always follows.
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not usually...usually when it's a bit thinner smoke the flavor is more intense...in my experiences anyways.

as for why i like thick smoke? it's more fun. it's awesome seeing huge billowing clouds of smoke coming out, blowing huge rings, and just having a good time.
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I think it's just a matter of the smoke being more fun to play with. It's always fun to fill a room, or blow bubbles, or to blow a bunch of thick rings off of one hit. I don't think it's really a competition of any sort, at least not that I've seen...
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It is a fun thing to have so much smoke.

It's also a nicer sensation with thick smoke in your mouth.
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I think it's more than aesthetic. With Big Clouds comes that feeling of shisha success. I'm not actually convinced that i've ever had the thick smoke that some people post.... I come bloody close mind.

Because flavour is carried in the smoke its' not unfair to suggest that with more smoke volume should come more taste as well. At least that appears to work for me.

Either way it's fun to fog up your front room tongue.gif

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Yeah, it is really cool to leave and walk back to the room where the hookah is and have it in a haze, or open the front door and watch the smoke pouring out the door. But in my experience the thicker the smoke, the closer it is to burning the shit out of it, so it is best to find the happy medium.
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Thick smoke I can always feel the difference. And if I'm not getting thick smoke, then I feel I dont have the bowl and all set-up right. So I strive to make it perfect.

Plus it's thick smoke, it's a lot more fun then thin smoke.
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thick smoke makes you feel like a badass specially if its not harsh

sucking on the huge shaft of a nammor and spewing out lots of white stuff makes my afternoon tongue.gif Edited by DarkParade
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I have noticed a decrease in flavor past a certain thickness in smoke, especially with brands like Fusion and Fantasia. For Tangiers, the opposite is true. To me, the thicker it is, I notice that it is a moist smoke. That to me is better, but I burn my bowl up faster.

I think as long as you are enjoying the flavor, and you have a moderate fog going, let the good times roll.
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Try smoking in a 100% dark room and youll understand.
I did yesterday, it kills the experience.
PLus when I smoke I like to watch it fade. Makes me relax and forget my problems. Edited by chromecarz00
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