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Tangiers Acclimation Advice

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alright ive seen other threads like this but im still a bit paranoid so i have tangier strawberry, and juicy peach and they have been acclimating for about 10 hours. The peach is starting to smell a bit like peach, but the strawberry still smells like soy sauce. Now at first i heard people say you only need to acclimate for like 7-8 hours, then some people said 24+ but im scared to leave it out in the open because then won't it lose it's juices/freshness? or do i leave it out for another 10 hours/untill it smells right?
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Interesting thread. I have Tangiers pear, orange soda, cool strawberry, strawberry, and red tea. All of them set out for about 7-8 hours, and they smoke great. I have never left mine out for more thn 8 hrs, but that's mostly because I get excited and can't wait any longer.

So to all of you Tangiers experts, are you really supposed to leave them out until they "smell right?" I know some require longer than others (orange soda for example), but more time never seems to hurt. I've been smoking Tangiers for about 2 years now, and my metho has worked for me thus far, but maybe there is more to be said for longer acclimation times...
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yea i wasnt sure if some flavors took longer, the juicy peach smells about right, but the cool strawberry dosent seem to have made as much progress, but knowing you guys do it for 24+ hours sometimes makes me feel safe tongue.gif
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The Pear tobacco I just got looks really old by the style of cut and the long strings of tobacco. It does not smell good at all yet. I go by smell more then time. When it smells good I smoke it. I just bought Melon Blend from my local shop about 45 minutes ago, and I could smoke it now no problem. That stuff is just amazing.
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intresting that you say that snoopy, i heard that when you by tangiers from shops they acclimate in like an hour easy, but with shipping and what not it sometimes takes days. I guess because my tangiers came from cali all the way to jersey they need some serious prep time
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So my Pear tobacco still smelled a little obnoxious this morning, but I could smell the pear flavor now. I loaded up a bowl to try it and OMG, this is an outstanding flavor!! I bet this will be even better in about 12 more hours. I have had it open for about 32 hours now.
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better fix for the ants, go to the hard ware store and get these little ant baits called tero (or something like that but thats how it sounds). it attracts the ants to it, they grab some of the liquid, take it back, and the nest totally dies. its supposed to be pretty safe.

for the smoke shop thing i would expect that if they dont open it at all you have to acclimate from scratch, a friend buys tangiers some times and doesnt have to acclimate it long but im not sure if the local place does it already or not.

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so it's been 36 hours and the strawberry still smells like soy sauce, and the peach has some peach smeel too it but more or less it's half and half....i dont get it i have it laying out on a strip of foil well spread out and i stir it every now and then....is this at all normal? lol
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