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New Funnel Design?

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i was on the phone with neal the other day and decided to throw a funnel into my order, while i was on the phone he asks if i want the mod for it, i said "nah i'll be alright (as i sit wits 15 lbs of clay next to me) and he says "actually the new ones are designed so you dont need one" "i hate selling a customer something they don't need"
does anyone know anything about this? if not i'll be getting it in a couple of days so i'll tell you guys about it
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Nikon that's a Super Chief, those have been around for a while.

But I'm also getting a phunnel from neal soon. Although, I did order the mod with it and he didn't mention anything to me? *shrug* We'll see.
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I don't know if this is what he's talking about, but Neal has been working on a new phunnel design for a while now. He described it to me and based of what he said it could potentially never need a mod...
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Thats totally based on the smoker though, and his/her reasons behind using a Mod. Yeah a Mod is great cause the foil doesn't get sucked down...

But ikt is great for other reasons. It leaves the coals sitting at a slight incline with the bottom-middle of them not touching the foil directly, making it very easy to NOT burn the tobacco. Having a Mod makes it so easy for anyone to smoke, as long as your friends aren't power-inhaling and killing the bowl.
The mod also decreases the amont of tobacco I have to use, but still let's the Phunnel do it's job. I rather not fill in 35 grams of tobacco everytime I want to smoke when i can put in 20-25 (depending on the tobacco) and get the same smoke for the same (if not longer) period of time.

I will always use a Mod. smile.gif
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