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WEll let me piss alot of you off right away and say:

It's not the best, I don't love it

Now you can think I havent had its smoking right, but I assure you I took a long time to come to this conclusion.

I bought 5 - 100 gram flavor packs

2 Apple
Blue Gum Ball

...i dont recall


The flavor for most of the flavors was weak to me - even after proper acclimation.

I wasn't impressed then.

Now I just got a 250gr of the Orange Soda - and the flavor is on point.

It does burn for a long time and not lose flavor - but as far as flavors go - I have had some better ones.

Maybe Im just plain old not trendy enough to get the "Tangiers movement"

I hate 2 apple as a flavor. and I only had 2 apple and Orange Soda left. I finally broke down and acclimated and smoke the 2 apple. It has NO flavor to me what so ever.

Maybe all but the Orange Soda was part of a bad run of something - but it just wasnt that great.

There are a few more Tangiers flavors that I would still like to try - but with 5 or 6 under my belt and only really diggin 1 - not a greeat track record in my book

....my 2 cents
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My first try with Tangier's was also very poor. Although I realize I didn't prepare it correctly, I'm just more fond of more user friendly tobacco. I'll try again later for sure.
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QUOTE (shisha fan @ May 18 2008, 03:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i totally agree with you, it`s all very overrated.

some people praise it so much that they could start a church of tangiers.

I will be the leader then tongue.gif

If you are not getting good flavor, it must be something you are doing wrong with packing the bowl. I too did not get the best flavors when I started smoking Tangiers, once you know the tobacco just like you would for any brand, you will know how to pack it, and if it needs more acclimation. Sometimes you can acclimate and it smells great. Close up the container and take a whiff the next day and it is off. For flavors like that all I do is stir it all up, put some on an AF lid for days gone by and let it sit out for 30 min. and it is all good again.

I had to change things up a little for me now with the weather changes, but no big deal by me, still great smoke and flavor. Everyone has their favs and there is nothing wrong with that. Try some Melon Blend, Pineapple, Indigo Flower and Static Starlight. Great flavors that are sturdy to humidity.
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I liked the melon blend.

I'd love to hop on the bandwagon, but from my previous experiences it does seem to be a lot of hype. I've never had any problems smoking anything else, but I've gone through over a kilo of tangiers with mostly poor results. I smoked all of the melon blend with only one bad bowl, and some of my packs on the K-peach worked out well. Everything else was an utter failure regardless of how long I acclimated them or how many tutorials I watched/read.

At this point I'm just hoping to befriend someone who lives near me that can pack it properly on a regular basis. laugh.gif
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QUOTE (Snoopy1966 @ May 18 2008, 01:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (shisha fan @ May 18 2008, 03:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i totally agree with you, it`s all very overrated.

some people praise it so much that they could start a church of tangiers.

I will be the leader then tongue.gif

If you are not getting good flavor, it must be something you are doing wrong with packing the bowl. I too did not get the best flavors when I started smoking Tangiers, once you know the tobacco just like you would for any brand, you will know how to pack it, and if it needs more acclimation. Sometimes you can acclimate and it smells great. Close up the container and take a whiff the next day and it is off. For flavors like that all I do is stir it all up, put some on an AF lid for days gone by and let it sit out for 30 min. and it is all good again.

I had to change things up a little for me now with the weather changes, but no big deal by me, still great smoke and flavor. Everyone has their favs and there is nothing wrong with that. Try some Melon Blend, Pineapple, Indigo Flower and Static Starlight. Great flavors that are sturdy to humidity.

no, i`m sure i packed it the right way (i did get good amounts of smoke, there was just barely any taste).i used all sorts of guides, but it keeps dissapointing me. i`ve been smoking hookah since i was 14 and never have any problems with other brands of tobacco. kashmir peach is decent imo, but no more than that.
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QUOTE (Snoopy1966 @ May 18 2008, 05:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Practice pratice pratice. Thats all I can say. I used to smoke AF and now I can't pack a bowl of that for the life of me.

Nakhla, AF, Fusion, Fantasia, and Layalina never really give me any problems.

As far as Tangiers goes, I might tack a couple flavors onto my next order (melon & something else.) I really need to stock up on Fusion Cactus Pear, though. That's easily my favorite flavor out of any of the brands out there. biggrin.gif
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QUOTE (shisha fan @ May 18 2008, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i totally agree with you, it`s all very overrated.

some people praise it so much that they could start a church of tangiers.

It seems like you've made the habbit of pointing this out every time you comment something regarded Tangiers. Personally I hate the kind of arrogance you display, and your theory of it all being "sheep mentality" is ignorant at best.

Don't know if this ever struck you, but is it not possible that people prefer the brand because they have had their best experiences with it? I guess it doesn't go that well with the whole anti-mainstream image, though.
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all the tangiers posts...wow

so i ordered a few tangiers flavors on weds and they should be here tomorrow or tuesday. i'm VERY eager to try them. it's amazing to me how many people can swear by it, will smoke nothing but, and could "start a church" but others say there's no taste? come on. one group HAS to be wrong. there's no way this is the same stuff. think of your most favorite and worst flavors. now think of the possibility that other people hate/love what you love/hate. it's a little messed up. someone's gotta be lyin or doing something wrong. or...own stock in tangiers??!?!?!

yeah, i don't know. i will find out all about this hype though. hype was absolutely NOT HYPE for KMs as the one i got is wayyyy better than my previous, still very good 3 hose egyptian. so maybe tangiers IS that good because i don't think anyone here would lie. or...maybe it's not. i guess it's just that the majority of people seem to think it's awesome. it definitely is true that there's a learning curve for every tobacco. fantasia is easy to pack, but i've noticed that it is not the same way i pack AF. it's just different tobacco and you gotta learn how to pack it right. i bet the same thing goes for tangiers. plus, that stuff is affected by the WEATHER for god's sake! that's rough. much harder to work with i bet
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QUOTE (Balthazar @ May 18 2008, 03:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (shisha fan @ May 18 2008, 10:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i totally agree with you, it`s all very overrated.

some people praise it so much that they could start a church of tangiers.

It seems like you've made the habbit of pointing this out every time you comment something regarded Tangiers. Personally I hate the kind of arrogance you display, and your theory of it all being "sheep mentality" is ignorant at best.

Don't know if this ever struck you, but is it not possible that people prefer the brand because they have had their best experiences with it? I guess it doesn't go that well with the whole anti-mainstream image, though.

haha, i`m just giving my opinion. i`m not saying that it`s the absolute truth because taste is simply something subjective.

and don`t talk to me about being "anti-mainstream" with a signature like that. it`s just my opinion and if you don`t like it, feel fee to use the ignore user function so you don`t see my posts anymore.

that is all.
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Haha, if you're calling the tobacco "overrated", you're not taking the "taste is simply something subjective" perspective -- you're saying that most people are wrong in saying it's as good as it is.

Anyway, since when does Tangiers make a double apple?

It's conceivable that it's not for everyone. I find his flavors to be clearer, with much more subtlety and depth than most of the other fluff on the market. I guess for me, I could say that it's not that Tangiers is so great -- it's more like most other mainstream brands of tobacco don't take the hookah seriously enough to allow for any kind of connoisseurship.
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QUOTE (shisha fan @ May 18 2008, 05:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
haha, i`m just giving my opinion. i`m not saying that it`s the absolute truth because taste is simply something subjective.

Well, you constantly label it as overrated (but never back this up with anything but your own (bad) experiences) and you have said that it's large following is due to "sheep mentality". Plus the church-joke.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people with different opinions than my own, what I dislike is when people reduces other peoples opinions to simple "sheep mentality" or similarily.
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QUOTE (Balthazar @ May 18 2008, 04:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, you constantly label it as overrated (but never back this up with anything but your own (bad) experiences) and you have said that it's large following is due to "sheep mentality". Plus the church-joke.

what else am i supposed to back it up with other than my own experiences? the tobacco i got smelled weird and had little taste. and i said that part about the sheep mentality in another thread because there have been people that hadn`t even tried tangiers but still said it was great for some reason. and what about the church-joke? you`re really taking this far too serious (it`s not a personal attack on people who like tangiers).
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I agree with the OP.

Tangiers is just too much for me I really don't want to wait 4 hours after i receive my tobacco so i can smoke it and then have to pack it using special techniques, I feel it takes away from the enjoyment of my sheesha.

My 2 cents.

AF all the way. Good flavour, good smoke, easy to use. Edited by SmokinMoose
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Its personal opinion. Some prefer to wait for the best smoke of their lives, learn the ways, how to smoke it. Its like a skill to get tangiers to work.
Those who don't want to learn it are more than happy to stick to easier to use brands.
Thats all it is.
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I'm going to be picking up some Tangiers myself, as I and my friends are all cigarette smokers, and getting a buzz from most shisha is difficult. I've got Fusion and Romman right now, and I like them both. The fusion has great flavor, and the Romman definitely gives a better buzz. The Romman also has noticeably more leaf and less stem. It sounds like the Tangiers is going to be a perfect blend of both worlds. Sadly, our favorite flavor around here is my own personal house blend which I make out of two flavors, neither of which are part of the Tangiers lineup. I know the Tangiers debate won't be going away any time soon, so I'll weigh in once I try it. Edited by Th12teen
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It's all about preference guys. I have a phunnel and tangiers on the way but everytime I have smoked it Canon has packed the bowl. I like the flavors. But honestly it's not my favorite. It's good don't get me wrong. Romman is still my top brand for me. I just like the flavor and buzz. You can't change my mind, because it's my preference. I will keep tangiers in my baccy closet, but it may be a while before I will claim it as a go to baccy.
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QUOTE (Snoopy1966 @ May 18 2008, 06:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Practice pratice pratice. Thats all I can say. I used to smoke AF and now I can't pack a bowl of that for the life of me.

i know exactly what you're saying lol, i used to smoke with my friends everyday literally we smoked AF,SB,and even Havana, but now that i mostly smoke Tangiers it takes me a couple tries to get any other brand going again, the sad part is that i used to work at a lounge that served everything but tangiers lol.

i guess since i've been trying some other brands again im starting to catch back on but still i find this hilarious.
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Gee, some people get wound up don't they? I personally love the Tangiers I have and will always try other flavors as well, but it's still not the brand I smoke most. The reason is simple: Tangiers is unique. Most all flavored tobacco is almost like near beer. Very sugary, nothing much to it, candy like flavors to some degree. Not to mention added food coloriing, etc. Tangiers is the real deal. No matter what flavor you can still tell it's real tobacco by taste unlike in other brands where the tobacco flavor is buried completely under all the sugary flavorings. Tangiers is shisha for grown-ups. Unfortunately most of the time I'm not in the mood to smoke like a grown up, so I tend to stick to the "kiddie shisha". Quick, easy, and not terribly exciting, but no surprises. Bottom line is many people are never goiing to want that grown-up taste. No need to throw accusations around about it. It is what it is.

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The only reason why I keep trying Tangiers is that one of my first bowls was packed correctly. It was the thickest and tastiest smoke I had ever had. But I still haven't been able to replicate it =(
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