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Hose Hassles

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So we've got this one Nammor hose down in the lounge- its falling apart. The base of the handle comes detached from the hose at the slightest movement. Ordinarily, I'd banish that piece of shit to the pit of no return no questions asked. However, it has some sentimental value, and some fairly important lips have sucked this hose, also- we're fuckin' broke at the moment (and almost as lazy as we are broke).. We've tried some apoxy, some plastic glue, but to no avail.

So- Is this hose finished?
Or- Is there some crazy, fucked up, home-made, awesome, holy glue anyone knows of?

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Dude, Electrical tape.

Put it around the part that's goes inside of another part of the hose, until you have to jam/squeeze it in there. Give it's a great water proof seal. Then after you pu it back inside, you can even put a strip or two of ducktape over where they meet and cover it up with the fuzzy.
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Right on. Thanks for the tips. I think I'm gonna try the electrical tape first.
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