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Mushrat, you will be wonderful mod when and if this forum is properly taken care of.
To the new folks, and to the old timers, I just want you to know that out of anyone who posts nowadays, I am the oldest timer here. I have seen this forum go up and down so many times, I think I have motion sickness. I remember when we were so "light-hearted" here. Now, there is a lot of personality conflicts. I know this because I have had them too. I swear, half of you make me go running for to Prozac table on a regular basis.[img]http://hookahforum.com/forum/smileys/smiley36.gif[/img] I was told several times to lighten up during times of heated discussion. I try to be that way too. Maybe some others here should try it. What we have here has been unique since the day it started. Learn to be gentle to others. Most of us don't know each other. We don't have a face or a voice to connect with one-another's text, so we really don't know who the person is typing or who we are answering, or clashing with. Do we really know the other's condition? No. Can they really be a nice guy? Absolutely. Can we be misinterpreting the other's message? Yep. Even if the American flag is under someone's avatar, does it really mean the other is an American by birth and have a firm command of the language? Don't assume. A whole lot of you are young. I guess ranging from 15 on up. That's okay by me. I was young, sucking down beers in the Army when they came out with the age restrictions for alcohol purchase on military bases. Needless to say, I thought it was the biggest crock. Hell, about 10 years ago, the command was trying to fry one of my 19 year old soldiers for having a bottle in his barracks room. The funny thing is: They expected me to go along with it. They were disappointed with me when I just looked at them like they had a pecker growing out of their forehead. So now, I don't get uptight about someone's age. But one thing you need to learn on your road in life is to accept others for their shortcomings. Learn how to be tolerant of other's opinion (because they will opine) and learn how to gently disagree. You don't have to be right. If you are always right, nobody will like you. If you are always right, it is because people want to avoid you, and there is nothing noble or romantic about that.
Understand there is a place for certain things and some things don't really belong where we think they should. There are established norms in about any group. If they aren't hurting anyone, but enhancing a unique concept (this forum) just go with it. The "norm setters" are usually the established ones and maintain these loose rules out of a certain type of love. They usually cherish (Damned, I'm talking like a girl tonight) good company and place a high value on these non-traditional friendships. I know I do. I was on my 2nd day of power loss after Rita when the phone rang. Cypress was on the other end. What a surprise! This is our group. What should I have expected? C'mon gang, what's the problem? Let this group remain one where friends are friends and nobody feels threatened.
I never wanted to be a mod. I just had a butt-load of posts and made people laugh a bit. Big deal. I was winding down from 20 years in, and just wanted to shirk responsibility for a while. We had some tough times and the powers of the "mod" did come in handy and I think I pleased the majority here. Fine. These days, it seems like we're having the rough times again. Only now, the sheriff seems to be sleeping and the deputy isn't deputized any more.  However, there is something I can do and I don't feel like doing it. I can "ban" you. That button still works for me. I don't want to use it. The conservative in me keeps eye balling it, just circling around it a lot, but the liberal in me thinks it shouldn't be used. As I said before, the sheriff is asleep, the deputy isn't deputized anymore, but I have the sherriff's gun. I know where the admin stands, so I will take the ball and place it in the end-zone for him. Until he decides to make the appropriate changes, these will be the loose rules of the forum. The rules are in the best intentions of the forum, and I think it won't be a great challenge for anyone here to abide by them. Just to show how much of a loveable nice guy I am, I will explain my thinking after each rule. 
1. No discussions of illegal drug activities.  The culture of hookah smoking in our generation is meant for tobaccos. In Egypt, whose culture played an important part in the development and nurturing of the machine and rituals have stricter drug laws than we do. A typical fine/penalty for having weed on your person can be an automatic 2 years in jail and 10,000 Pound fine. You will probably make new friends while serving time. Friends you don't want Mom and Dad to know about.  This further reinforces the notion that massell is smoked in the machine. The last thing we need are casual surfers to visit us and leave with the impression we are a bunch of pot heads. If you want to slime yourselves, that is fine. Go somewhere else to do it. Just don't slime our past times.
2. Refrain from vulgar language.  While we all come from different backgrounds and social settings, our choice of language skills vary. However, we know (or should know) the words and phrases that are offensive. Masked words can be witty and harmless when we are describing an experience. However, vulgarity and masked words can/usually are taken as a threat when directed toward another member/ or members.  Sometimes asking a group of people to use good judgment isn't always enough. If a moderator corrects you, don't get an attitude and resist. Just understand. Read the last paragraph on this post.
3. Retailers, wholesellers, and other type of venders will not spam, flame or in any other way harass members on this forum, and will disengage when asked to. Gee, why am I writing this? We have always had a good relationship with some retailers here. We understand the purpose of any business is to create cash-flow. Simple. However, if nothing is being contributed to the forum by these people, other than marketing, you are on the wrong forum. We have always enjoyed some retailers offering samples of a new product to members, offering valuable advise and using this as a place to "get away from it all at night." Don't wear out your welcome here and just leave when asked to do so. If your product is overpriced, or inferior, accept the opinions of the members. This forum is for them, not you MR Retailer.
That's it. Simple. There can be other rules about PM usage, posting photos, linking, and on and on and..... I will let the admin handle that. That is his baby. I am just concerned about the day to day activities on the board.
I'll let you know this, I have asked the admin to pull my mod status. I may not even be one as I type this. But I  can't idly sit by and watch some of the things happening here. I refuse to let someone come onto this forum and not abide by any of the common sense rules that set us, as adults, apart from children. Whoever can't use basic common sense, whoever can't abide by 3 simple rules will be corrected. Further violations of these rules will be handled on a one-on-one basis. The administrator and moderators will ban any member at any time for any reason. Sure, there are first amendment rights in this country. But this isn't a government activity, or employer. No law says you can use any language, start just any topic, or sell anything you want on this forum.
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Thanks for taking charge and writing this up Bubble.

Everyone gets on edge with others every once in a while (me included),
and I'm glad we can finally have a list of rules to abide by. They are
fair and simple, and I'm sure we all should be able to follow them.

You're a good man Mr. Bubble, thanks for looking out ;)
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[quote name='Yashman19']Thanks for taking charge and writing this up Bubble.

Everyone gets on edge with others every once in a while (me included),
and I'm glad we can finally have a list of rules to abide by. They are
fair and simple, and I'm sure we all should be able to follow them.

You're a good man Mr. Bubble, thanks for looking out ;)[/quote]I concurr,I'm new here,  but Mr. Bubbles and most of the "seniors" here have taken good care of me :).
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yeah pot is pot and this is something totally different myself dont bother what people do with their life (but i am one of the oldfarts here so i dont care about much anyway) but what i can understand many here on the forum is young and i guess really have to answer to a lot from parents and other members in the community about theire hookahsmoking so i really think its good if they could show all stiffnecks that this is a serious forum that is about a healthy way to smoke tobacco insted of being harrased for doing anything bad or illegal -
 so as B so vise said lets keep the forum clean and great as it was once when i joined -on that time we wasnt so many that we are now but we always has treat eachother with respect even if the humor is a little sick sometimes but if you use the emotions when you are joking then people dont have to take things in a wrong way -
 many of you new guys that dont know me can see  that i use the emotions a lot and that is beacuse im a happy .... that just wanna help and spread a smile if i could-so keep up the good spirit everybody and if you are not willing to follow the rules that mr B so well explain there is a real nice forum whos starter is really good on foul languagebut thank god -thats all over now even that some of the people who quit still visit here under another name and i really must say that i miss some of them specially a little guy that i spend a small fortune in tobacco and shippingmoney on
thats all folks
Take care and be nice
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Sorry Mr. Bubble, I might just be the oldest one on the forum, but fairly new to the forum but thanks for setting down some ground rules this isn't the place for illegal talk and cursing I try not to use that kind of language as I feel it makes a person seem unintelligent. Once again thanks.
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  • 3 weeks later...
very honerable to be worried about something that has been a part of your life for many years.  I stumbled onto this sight after wanting to purchase a hookah, at first i saw some of the topics on illegal stuff like pot and wondered if this was the right forum for me.  i read the topics and saw that many of the older and respected members said the same thing about the topic. thats it wasnt needed and that it was disrespectful to the forum. Thats how i knew i had found the place that i needed to be. I would like to thank bubble, mush and all of the other members who make this forum truly a great place to learn and discuss the tradition of hookah and learn about other cultures.
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